Global Strategies

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Strategic alternatives taken by different companies

In order to meet their corporate goals & International Marketing

Table of Contents



Literaturte Review3

Critical Analysis6


15 Examples of Organisations8



Literature Review18

Critical Analysis20


15 Examples of Organisations23


Strategic alternatives taken by different companies

In order to meet their corporate goals & International Marketing



Strategy defines 'the direction that an organisation intends to move and set up the framework for action through which it intends to get there'. As the purpose of strategy, a position of advantage has maintained by capitalizing on the strengths of an organisation and minimizing its weaknesses. In order to achieve this purpose, the threats and opportunities present must have identified and analyzed in its external and internal environments. This is the reason why organisations need to develop strategies to deal with external influences and internal influences.

Literaturte Review

Recent changes in the international operating environment have forced companies to optimise efficiency, responsiveness, and learning simultaneously in their worldwide operations. (Nankervis, 2002: 56-67)

Companies that previously concentrated on developing and managing one of these capabilities, this new challenge implies not only a total strategic reorientation but also a major change in organisational capability, as well. (Robert, 2006:88)It kind of complex task for the any organisation to keep and balance all three objective in any circumstances. But it is just initial task, may be they have to face more complicated tasks while doing in global business. (Bechtell, 2008:44) It will be very important for the administration to increase the effectiveness/efficiency of tasks not involved directly in the delivery of the product or service as well as internal perspectives. (Arthur, 2006:29) It can be possible for the parent company to keep and improve all these efficiency in his domestic product-market. But it will not be easy to counterbalance all these efficiencies in other unit, which located in the other part of world. The environmental, cultural, distance and language difference like issues can create a major complexity to keep balance these objectives. (Brown, 2005: 209-214)

We can link and demolish this complexity by applying the Learning and cognitive school of strategy (Mintzberg) introduced the psychology into the field of strategy. The cognitive school of strategy is emerge as description in terms of concepts, maps, schemas, and frames- that shape how people deal with inputs from the environment. (Gibbls, 2006:34-39) The strategic management concerned with functionally specific tasks, any one of which is unlikely to imperil the organisation's future. Is the strategic management has competency to cope with challenges or not? The administration is essentially about the change managing, not concepts or ideas, but people. (Arnoldo, 2007:181)Tom peters tells us that good managers are doers. Michael Porter suggests that they are thinkers. (Grossman, 2006:242-247) Not so, argue Abraham Zalezinzik and Warren Bennis: good managers are really leaders. Yet, for the better part of this century, the classical writers- Henri Fayol and Lyndell Urwick, among others- keep telling us that good managers are essentially controllers. (Carl, 2008:56)

The challenge of global building leadership, according to Gary Hamel and ...
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