Global Recession

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Classical Management and Global Recession

Classical Management and Global Recession


In the first half of the twentieth century has developed four distinct school of management thought. Chronologically, they may be listed in the following order: the school of scientific management, administrative, school, school of psychology and human relations school of management science (quantitative or school). The most convinced supporters of each of these areas at time believed that they were able to find the key to most effectively achieve the goals of the organization.

More recent studies and failed, to apply the theoretical opening of schools in practice have proved that many of the answers to the questions controls were only partially correct in limited situations. Nevertheless, each of these schools made significant and tangible contribution to the field. Even the most progressive in modern organizations are still using some concepts and techniques that have arisen within these schools. They engaged in higher performance at lower management. With the advent of school administrative professionals have begun to develop approaches to, continually improve the management of the organization as a whole ("Marcellino" 2006, 960).

Classical Management approach

Proponents of the classical school, as well as those who wrote about the scientific management, not very concerned about the social aspects of management. Moreover, their work largely based on personal observations and not based on analytical methodology. Classics have tried to look at the organization in terms of a broad perspective, trying to identify common characteristics and patterns of organization. The aim of the classical school was to create global management principles. In this case it based on the idea that adherence to these principles will undoubtedly lead to the success of the organization.

These principles affect two significant aspects. One of them was to develop a proper management system organizatsiey6. Defining the core functions of business theorists "classics" were convinced that they can determine the best way to separate organization units or working groups. Traditionally, these functions considered as finance, manufacturing and marketing. Since it closely related to and defining the basic management functions. The main contribution to the theory of management Fayol was that he considered as a universal management process consisting of several related functions such as planning and organization. The next section of this chapter we take a closer look proper management.

Global Crisis

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