Global Public-Sector Training

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Analyzing Training Process in Public Sector Globally


Training programs in the public sector need to help those who are involved in the design, planning, implementation of public sector reforms. The delivery of a cost effective, reliable and consistent service in the public sector depends a lot on how contracts for such services are awarded and managed. The impact caused by this public sector trainings causes a positive effect on the morale of public sector employees. The communication of performance is important for the effect to be positive, while the public sector determines the validity of personnel selection, and the results are important for the points mentioned above. It is good to motivate and provide encouragement to employees in office, directing them towards the achievement of greater public sector departmental productivity.

Analyzing Training Process in Public Sector Globally


In a world of where the ever-increasing demands compete with very limited resources, it has become imperative for the public sector to take a holistic and strategic approach to revenue collection and asset management. The importance of aligning resources to areas where maximum revenue can be generated cannot be over stressed. The execution of government policies depends a lot on a pragmatic approach to revenue collection and asset management without which a sustainable environment within the public sector will not be possible (Beardwell & Claydon, 2004). Some of the latest strategies and approaches to revenue generation and asset management will be learnt at this training programme. Delegates will also learn how to avoid inefficiencies within the public sector, close areas of leakage and manage assets more frugally.

2011 was a difficult year for the public sector and 2012 looks no different - more cuts, more strikes and a stuttering economic growth. Keeping the public sector employees' morale and spirits high is a tough ask. But not impossible. It helps to relish the challenge and turn difficulties into opportunities by setting training and personal development goals for the new year. Managers might not realize it, but they would have picked up a number of new skills over the past year: perhaps as colleagues left and their workload was absorbed or perhaps they have helped team members adapt to taking on additional work and new challenges (Mathis & Jakson, 2003). The ability to manage change and cope under pressure would also have been tested. The first step is to take stock of the current skills and then to write down what extra skills that the public sector wants to gain or skills gaps that need to be filled. It helps to identify areas where the most support is needed.

Description of the current controversies or challenges

The nature of the public sector has always been subject to changes, but perhaps never before as occurred in recent years, derivatives of state reforms, in line with new economic and social policies, and under the influence of current circumstances economic, political and social conditions prevailing globally (Bennett, 2011).

Today the public sector in many countries include not only government departments and ...
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