Leadership plan for global expansion (ADKAR Model)2
CloudSwitch Global Expansion Leadership Plan3
Issues foreign companies could face as a result of expansion4
Issues related to multiculturalism and diversity5
Leadership Planning5
Effective Leadership important for expansion6
Developing Virtual Teams to capitalize on technology and the nature on the company6
Technological benefits from Version and globalization7
CloudSwitch is an Information Technology company, delivers the enterprise gateway that to the cloud. CloudSwitch's pioneering software appliance that are simple, without changes, and securely allows enterprises to run their applications in the normal cloud computing environment. CloudSwitch allows applications to stay closely connected with enterprise data center policies and tools allowing easily movement between data center and cloud environments as required. The cloud computing industry is growing rapidly. With many organizations starting to benefit from the cloud, companies of all sizes are evaluating the potential fit. Cloud computing is gaining importance for many reasons. Economic, social, technological and environmental trends are favorable to a further extension, and broader adoption of cloud computing amongst businesses is leading the trend.
Current situation of the global environment
In a move that will allow Verizon and Terre mark (its cloud subsidiary) an edge by complementing its services by capitalizing on the expertise, Version is buying Cloudswitch a cloud computing startup company. The company was able to raise 15.4 million dollars form venture capitals and would plan to raise another round according to Ellen Rubin, the Co-founder and VP of CloudSwitch. Considering the current situation, CloudSwitch continues to prepare for the global international, marketplace; it will surely face numerous concerns and challenges. The expanding horizons of business can bring the possibility of wealth but also may bring along the potential for failure. Issues are surfacing for the organization, such as culture, teams (including virtual teams), ethics, and human resources. With its recent acquisition by Verizon Communication, CloudSwitch may have to face broad human relations issues. It will have to deal with a diverse workforce, as the organization continues to expand. In most cases, diverse workforces have led to cultural differences, ethical challenges, and sometimes even morality issues. The company will make it easy and convenient for customers to move their applications to the cloud systems.
This will give the users interface to port applications like Microsoft Windows Azure clouds, Terre mark, Amazon Web Services while protecting data as it negotiate the network maintaining their corporate security policies. In order to improve the performance of business, the company needs to think outside the box, and look forward to the options of a business expansion in the global market developing an effective expansion plan utilizing the most appropriate leadership, and considering all the problems. Companies face high cost of capital, in the labor market when they lack well trained people, and if the company hires people with no experience they face problems in manufacturing operations thus the companies need to hire people who are well trained and have a better working experience. The benefits of globalization ...