Glass Ceiling-Women

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Glass Ceiling-Women

Glass Ceiling-Women


More women and minorities hold higher positions in the work force than ever before, although they are still held to lower management. The glass ceiling, according to the Department of Labor, is defined as artificial barriers based on attitudinal or organization into management level positions. The most invisible barrier that keeps women and minorities from reaching the executive suite is slowing changing in the world. Today more women that are highly motivated are reaching the executive suite. They are sacrificing sleep and recreation for the advancement and learning to play by "men's rules" in executive occupations. Men seem to be more comfortable with this type of approach.

Practical Steps

The first Step is: Explode the Myths. A common stereotype or myth is the reason for failure in a corporation is due to a woman's performance. A common myth is that discrimination is ignored by placing blame on a woman. The point of the step is to prove the myths are false whenever possible. For example, if a woman is in a board meeting she can bring up the subject of segregation and give her opinion and thoughts. Any place accessible is a good place for a woman should take a stand and fight for her rights.

The second step is Pushing for Gender Balance. There is a new law, the Gender Balance law that is to help protect a woman of her rights and give her equality. The purpose of the law is to have equal women and men on public boards, commissions and state and local governments across America. "Already, five states have passed the law with resolution and at least fifteen added sates have introduces or have plans to introduced gender balance measures.

The third step is Organize with Other Feminist. This step is to join a feminist organization to fight against discrimination. Also it is important to schedule meetings with top management to present the issues against women in the corporation as well as around the country and to find strategies to solve it. The last idea in this step is to contact other feminist groups and come together to create ideas to fight discrimination in the workplace aiming at women.

The Fourth step is to Consider Legal Alternatives. It is becoming more and more common for a woman to turn to the courts with complaints against sex discrimination and to win their rights back. Over the past 13 years the judges are on the women's side and compensate them for their loss and for being discriminated against. Not only are they granting the women's wishes, the courts were ruling for business to re-direct their recruiting and hiring processes.

Last but not least is the fifth step Use the Media. It is highly encouraged for women to get in contact with a feminist reporter to hear her story and thought so it can be broadcast on the news, newspapers, articles, anywhere possible. Also it is highly recommended for women to try to speak on radio talk ...
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