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In this study we try to explore the concept of Gilgamesh in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on the story of Gilgamesh and how did he strive to maintain his empire for almost one hundred and twenty-six (126) years. The research paper revolves around the development and the understanding of how Gilgamesh managed to maintain and survive the odds of the times and served as an important and outstanding empire, spreading his for over a century and proving to be the most profound in his own area.

Gilgamesh' history and contributions to mankind

Gilgamesh has earned himself as the title of an entity of superhuman existence. He has been credited and connoted with developing and establishing the great, legendary walls of Uruk in order to secure his land and continue to safeguard the lives of the people (Foster, p.7).

The stories of Gilgamesh have profoundly, enticing the likes of those seeking adventure and those who have the ability to hold belief and thought in the prowess of this monster that seeks great learning and understanding in front of us (George, pp.15). The stories told not only make us belief the existence of this creature, but also sketch in our minds the kind of belief and the imaginations that have been associated with Gilgamesh makes it awe inspiring for all to seek (Gmirkin, pp.50).

Gilgamesh's Personality

Many labeled the personality of Gilgamesh as that of a hero. However, there are multiple contradictions associated with his personality. His personality varies greatly, from hero, to enemy, to summon and finally, appearing as the one with a variety of endless powers and weapons that earns him the reputation of being invincible.

In line with his personality and the character that he was, Gilgamesh has two prominent traits; one was his strength, highlighting his contributions and his magnificent work in order to safeguard his country and his people (Hammond & Jablow, pp. 241). The other was his beauty that completed him as a person and as an entity that none could conquer. Reading and excerpting out of the texts, Gilgamesh was given prized contributions and traits blessed and bestowed by the Gods who bestow upon him.

Whenever reading through the excerpts and the existing literary texts, traces and evidence prove that Gilgamesh was given the perfect body. Being two-thirds part God and one part man, Shamash the Sun gave him beauty, Adad, who was ...
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