Getting Serious" By Alice Friman

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Getting Serious" by Alice Friman

Getting Serious" by Alice Friman

About Author

Alice Friman is author of eight collections of poetry, mos t recently The Book of the Rotten Daughter and Zoo, winner of the Ezra Pound Poetry Award from Truman S tate Univers ity and the S heila Margaret Motton Prize from the New England Poetry Club. Her poems appear in Poetry, The Georgia Review, Boulevard, The S outhern Review, The Gettys burg Review, and S henandoah, which awarded Friman the 2002 James Boatwright III Prize for Poetry. S he's received fellows hips from the Indiana Arts Commis s ion and the Arts Council of Indianapolis and has been awarded res idencies at many colonies including MacDowell and Yaddo. S he was named Writer in Res idence at Bernheim Arboretum and Res earch Fores t in 2003-04. Friman is the winner of three prizes from Poetry S ociety of America and in 2001-02 was named to the Georgia Poetry Circuit. Profes s or Emerita at the Univers ity of Indianapolis , s he now lives in Milledgeville, GA where s he is Poet-in-Res idence at Georgia College & S tate Univers ity.

Alice Friman's new book of poems , Vinculum, is forthcoming from LS U Pres s in 2011. S he is the author of eight collections of poetry, mos t recently The Book of the Rotten Daughter from BkMk Pres s releas ed in April 2006, and Zoo (Arkans as , 1999), winner of the Ezra Pound Poetry Award from Truman S tate Univers ity and the S heila Margaret Motton Prize from the New England Poetry Club. Her poems appear in Poetry, The Georgia Review, Boulevard, The S outhern Review, The Gettys burg Review, and S henandoah, which awarded Friman the James Boatwright III Prize for Poetry, S henandoah, 2001.

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