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The film Aftershock released in Tangshan China, in the year 1976 the film's plot revolves around the tragedy happened with the family during and after horrific earthquake. The assignment created genograms using plain symbols to represent characters of the film. A family genogram represents their names, birth order, sex, and relationships of the family members. It also detects the family recurrent patterns that could help understanding problems. Symbols in this genogram represent males, females, parents, children, grandchildren, dead and living people, depressive behaviors, foster parent, close, estranged, and cut off relationships. This assignment will implement Reality Therapy after assessing the comprehensive history and genogram of the family.

The film has directed a family that includes a father, a mother, twin brother and sister named Fang Da (boy) and Fang Deng (Girl). They are living in China and functioning as a focal family system. The film has shown the traditional family system where father earn for bread and butter and mother is managing the house as a house wife. Mother and Father have love and affection for each other they cannot live without mutual support. They care about their children and can do anything for them. This family is a traditional family, and it respects their culture, values, and unspoken norm of China. The family believes in male domination. The film's emotional moment comes when mother has to decide to save one of her child, and then she prefers her son over daughter and save his life. After that incident Mother stayed deep sorrow and distressed for thirty years. She was thinking that she is responsible for the death for her husband and son.

The family had faced the horrific tragedy, and they turn to live with only two needs out of five. The family needs love, food, shelter, and clothing. They do ...
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