Our genes contain the instructions used in the development of our organization. Estimated 20% of them expressed in the brain, through which we perceive and interpret the world before producing appropriate response. Behavioral genetics seeks to what extent our "identity card" gene (or "genotype") can influence our behaviors (which are included in our "phenotype” or observable products of gene expression) (Brazelton, 2000). Contributions of behavioral genetics should not be identified with the results of molecular genetics. When you know the basic process by which genes exert their influence on behavior, it spontaneously tends to believe that genes influence our behavior directly, i.e. "encode behaviors." But it is more complex.
Describe a possible pathway through which the entire process may unfold, indicating the kinds of circumstances that would likely activate or trigger the criminal behavior.
Genetic theory believes that criminal behavior is transmitted genetically like the other features of genetic transmitted to the individual by genetics, has shown that studies conducted on the families of an outbreak of the crime, in the study (Dugdal) on the family history (Jock), for 75 years, where examination conducted on 1,200 people, descendants of them, show them from which he had emerged from the beggars of this family 280 .140 Criminals .65 thief 0.7 murderers 0.50 prostitute 0.440 infected with secret sexual behavior as a result of the public domain, and 30 children are illegal (Brazelton, 2000).
Some studies have shown that criminal behavior is due to the extra chromosome specific for sex in some people it is known that in normal males and in females installation Kromozumi Kromozumi normal installation, the extra chromosome that makes it more violent behavior of its owner, and cruelty, and aggression. Scientists already have begun to ...