Genetic Factors And Allergies

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Genetic Factors and Allergies

Genetic Factors and Allergies


Evaluation of the genetic influences of a disease is usually based on the study of the familial grouping of cases, and particularly on the study of monozygotic (univitelline) twins. When genetic influence is maximum, the observed case coincidence is 100%, although when genetic influence is minimum and the disease is dependent only on environ- mental factors, the percentage coincidence is approximately similar to that seen in the unrelated general population.

Research questions

How do genetic factors affect allergies?

Problem Statement

It is said that more people have felt or feel excessive allergies due to the turbulent changes in genetics factors in modern societies. The objective of this research is to find out the genetic factors of allergies, so as to pose serious suggestions that could help such people to live a better quality of life.


Dependent and independent variables have been taken for the proposal. There are two main variables described below that can contribute to the development of allergies—those that you can't change, and those that you can. It specifically refers to the environmental causes of allergy that can be controlled. The uncontrollable variable is the independent variable (genetic factors).

Dependent variable

Allergy has been taken as the direct variable because generic factors would directly impact allergy.

Independent variable

The genetic factors influencing the development of allergy


The generic factors (independent variable) have significant affect on allergy (dependent variable).

Data Collection Method

For clinical and a research purpose, asthma is often regarded through its components or a combination of these: bronchial hyper reactivity, airway narrowing measured with PEF or forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), atopy measured by total or specific serum IgE, or skin prick test, and markers of inflammation (serum or sputum ECP). Data was obtained from HCWs and SB of clinical symptoms of the allergy and a positive serum IgE antibody level (RAST classes 3 or higher) as measured by the CAP system of Pharmacia. IgE were used as controls. Purified rubber elongation factor (REF). The baseline data collection for FinnTwin16 took place from 1991 through 1995.

Simultaneously with the baseline assessment of the twins, the parents of the twins were taken from a family questionnaire about the birth, development, and growth of the twins through childhood, and adolescence until age sixteen. Questions were included on genetic factors that affect to Allergy.


There have been many observations over the years of the familial incidence of allergy, although ...