Genetic And Environmental

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Genetic And Environmental

Genetic And Environmental


Behaviors are complex traits involving multiple genes that are affected by a variety of other factors. This fact often gets overlooked in media reports hyping scientific breakthroughs on gene function, and, unfortunately, this can be very misleading to the public. Genetic factors also can influence the role of certain environmental factors in the development of a particular trait. For example, a person may have a genetic variant that is know to increase his or her risk for developing emphysema from smoking, an environmental factor. If that person never smokes, then emphysema will not develop.

Several research in genetics, studies of genes and cognition demeanour need analysis of families and populations for comparison of those who have the trait in question with those who do not. The result often is a statement of "heritability," a statistical construct that estimates the allowance of variety in a community that is ascribed to genetic factors. The explanatory power of heritability figures is restricted, although, applying only to the community studied and only to the natural environment in location at the time the study was conducted. If the community or the natural environment changes, the heritability most expected will change as well. Most significant, heritability statements supply no basis for predictions about the expression of the trait in question in any granted individual.


According to him the trunk signifies the species, which then divides into branches. The branches represent our shared characteristics and beliefs. At the end of the branches are leaves, which Meyers claimed stood for the individual person, genetically and environmentally like no other. Every human being is differentially sound. We all have our own genetic makeup with the exception of identical twins. In this case environmental factors will have caused differences in their development and behaviour in the same way they do for everyone else. When a child progresses through the early stages of its life, every aspect of his or her emotional, mental and physical abilities develops. In terms of the nature debate, evolutionary/biological/genetic psychologists believe our development relies heavily on our genetic make up.

Biological processes, psychodynamics proceses, behavioral processes, social shaping processes, etc. then unfold, interacting with the individual's genotype, to dynamically create the unique psychological characteristics of the individual. All the time, however, this shaping occurs within certain parameters layed down by the genotype, which itself is a synthesized expression of the knowledge of ...
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