Generational Differences in Nursing: Retention, Communication, Recognition
We are in the midst of a well documented worldwide shortage of nurses due, in part to a shortage of nursing faculty to educate them. The causes of the faculty shortage are complex including more attractive career opportunities for women, low compensation, and increasing faculty retirements. The shortage is expected to worsen in coming years. Turnover rates of Registered Nurses (R.N.) is a concern for healthcare organizations. The purpose of this study was to recognize the differences in the generations and adapt the communication, retention and recognition styles currently in use to better meet the multigenerational workplace of nursing. For the purpose of the study, one hundred twenty nurses responded to the survey that was sent out via e-mail to six outpatient areas and seven inpatient areas of the health system. Major findings in this study demonstrated that significant differences do exist between the generations of nursing faculty regarding organizational commitment and related measures, with the exception of perceived organizational support. Recommendations for practice are provided along with recommendations for further research. Three areas were the focus of this study, retention, communication, and recognition. The study suggests that private verbal recognition is the preferred method for the generational cohorts in this study. A friendly work environment and being recognized for doing your job well were the two priorities in retention and face to face communication was the preferred method for all generational cohorts who participated.
To Jack for his love and support during this journey and to my adult son, Craig, who believes his Mom can do most anything. I love you both.Acknowledgements
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the staff of the Adena Health System for their participation in this research. I would also like to thank the Administration for their support and dedication to continuing education. I am but one example of how Adena lives its mission: To heal. To Educate. To Care.
I would like to extend thanks to the staff and faculty at Indiana Wesleyan University, for their support and guidance throughout the graduate program. A special thanks is extended to my research advisor, Amy Waggner, FNP-C for her guidance, patience and support. Thank you all.
Table of Content
Chapter 1: Introduction1
Background and Significance of the Study1
Problem Statement2
Statement of the problem4
Significance of the problem4
Purpose of the Study5
Research question6
Definition of terms7
Theoretical framework7
Limitations and assumptions of the study8
Ethical Considerations9
Chapter 2: Literature Review10
Generational Theories10
Generational Literature in Nursing13
The Veteran Generation14
The Baby Boomer Generation15
Generation X16
The Millennial Generation17
Nursing Shortage20
Related Studies on Nursing Faculty21
Organizational Commitment Theory22
Organizational Commitment Studies27
Studies of Factors Related to Organizational Commitment28
Organizational Commitment in Nurses33
Chapter 3: Methodology36
Chapter 4: Results and Findings44
2 Sample T-Test47
2 Sample t-test: My preferred method of communication from my direct supervisor is: W=Written47
2 Sample t-test: My preferred method of communication from my direct supervisor is: F= F2F49
2 Sample t-test: My preferred method of communication from my direct supervisor is: S=Staff meeting52
2 Sample t-test: My preferred method of being recognized by my direct supervisor is: AR=Adena Rewards54