The main purpose of this paper is to make an analysis of the case of Markkala Center for Applied Ethics and apply the utility test in a critical analysis of the organizational problem. The tests which have been discussed in this case are five tests of the utility. The paper is the discussion of the comparison of the five tests and conclusion on the best tests in this case.
Case Analysis
The case is about the ethical story of Markkala Centre. The case discusses the story of Sole Remaining Supplier in which the being blamed for using the lack of standards for testing the electronics of pacemakers. Therefore, it has been told to the engineers of the company that they should make use of the accurate and authentic testing and technical standards. They have placed the condition that they would stop the sales in case the other company does not bring improvements in its technical standards. They have considered these ways as the best ways that can be used in the harm reduction and maximizing utility. They took this practice as the good way for protecting the rights of people to a promising new medical technology which is known as the pace maker.
Application of the Theory into the Case
Utilitarianism is since J. Bentham (1748-1832) and John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) one of the most influential and most vividly discussed ethical theories. Its importance to moral philosophy and the philosophical foundations of law, economics and social sciences today is far uncontested over the English-speaking world beyond (Gustaf 2003).
The most important classical and contemporary texts of utilitarianism are the German speaking readers here in 3rd Support made available again. Together with the instructive and critical introduction by the editor provides the textbook philosophers, theologians, political scientists, National economists, lawyers and all those interested in moral philosophical questions a comprehensive introduction to the utilitarian ethics. Utilitarianism as a philosophical-ethical direction has little to do with our everyday term "utilitarian", which is usually understood as a mere contemptuous stare at their own benefit. The philosophical utilitarianism, however, is a very sophisticated direction in ethics, among whose most important classical representatives Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mill and Henry Sidgwick. In the German debate the problem of utilitarianism and his approach, however, were long neglected, which is why with utilitarianism in German speaking countries often "self-interest and opportunism" connects him as "plan usefulness morality" insulted and it even "for his extreme holds the pure (s) Wertnihilismus ". Often, however, is a crucial aspect of utilitarianism, overlooked that he always aims at the greatest benefits for the common good and not just for selfish benefit increase (Thomas 2007). Nevertheless utilitarian approaches include not only the most important deontological ethical reasoning contexts and utilitarianism is in the English-speaking world since Bentham and Mill as a "major moral philosophical positions". After the utilitarian doctrine, there is a single principle to evaluate whether a single or a regularly scheduled action as may be considered morally ...