General Psychology-Memory

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General Psychology-Memory


There is much debate about the recovery of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) and the accuracy of memories recovered memories. Recovered memories are memories recalled after having already blocked or inaccessible for a certain period of time "(Gleaves, et al. 2004). Recovered memories can be blocked due to" repression "which is the removal experiment with the unconscious side (Barlow and Durand, 2005) because the event was deemed too traumatic to deal with, however, the memories of CSA memories may be "an event that did not happen" is another word a false memory (Gleaves, et al. 2004). There are so many questions about his memories of CSA, for example, the memory was "blocked" or "repressed" because of "amnesia" or simply just not thinking? Do actually recovered memory is fragmented, with "mix of original and participant (false) information" (Gleaves, et al. 2005) or completely false memory? After a great length of time (ten years) after the first CSA to adults "remember" what happened to them during all these years. The recovered memories can cause confusion so that people seeking help from the therapist because they feel that the therapist can help them understand that there are memories, but others suggest that some therapists have planted the "suggestions" in the CSA, to build on that customer is believed to be a real experience.The first time argument will be discussed is one that suggests that the CSA has traumatic memories of abuse are repressed because of amnesia.

A repressed memory is "a process that forces unwanted material from the unconscious to consciousness" (Barlow and Durand, 2005) in other words a repressed memory is a realization by the individual that something 'is ago, but they had no memory of it. CSA is thought of as a series of traumatic events that can occur for years, individuals can voluntarily suppress (known as suppression) memories of CSA to get "amnesia" for this traumatic event took place early in life (Barlow and Durand, 2005). Williams (1994) study confirmed that female CSA victims are extremely unlikely to remember the CSA if that happened before 6 years (Widom & Morris, 1997)

It has been suggested (Gleaves, et al. 2005) that recovery of CSA memories depend on the severity of the CSA itself, which involves amnesia and trauma. Williams (1994) study 38% of women "can not remember the abuse" when he was interviewed 17 years after the CSA has taken place, it means "The most traumatic experience is, the more likely it is that some victims do not remember it "(McNally, 2004). We can not be sure of the severity of CSA was seen as the victim (Widom & Morris, 1997) and weather or not the victim is telling the truth about their alleged inability to reclaim memory.

Recovered memory of CSA can cause real people "psychological stress" because they "often claim that the recovery of memory is a traumatic experience" (Lindsay and Read, 2001) that may itself lead individuals to seek professional na help from a therapist or psychologist to help them sort ...
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