General Linear Regression

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General Linear Regression

General Linear Regression

General Linear Regression

In statistics, the general linear model (GLM) is a flexible generalization of ordinary least squares regression. The GLM generalizes linear regression via approving the linear model to be related to the variable by magnitude of the variance of each measurement of its predicted value.

General linear models were developed by John Nelder and Robert Wedderburn as a way of unifying various other statistical models, encompassing linear regression, logistic regression and Poisson regression. They intended an iteratively reweighted least squares method for maximum possibility measurement of the model parameters. Maximum-likelihood measurement waits democratic and is the default procedure on a lot statistical computing packages. Other approaches, encompassing Bayesian approaches and least squares fits to variance stabilized answers, have been developed.

This is a general regression operate that fits a linear model of an consequence to one or more predictor variables.The term multiple regression implements to linear prediction of one consequence from a figure of predictors. The general model of a linear regression is:


Y' = b0 + b1x1 + b2x2 + ... + bkxk


Where Y' is the predicted consequence value for the linear model with regression coefficients b1 to k and Y intercept b0 as shortly as the values for the predictor variables are x1 to k. The regression coefficients are analogous to the gradient of a plain linear regression.


Regression assumptions

Y is linearly related to the combination of x or a translations of x

deviations from the regression queue (residuals) chase a regular distribution

deviations from the regression queue (residuals) have uniform variance


Classifier predictors

If one of the predictors in a regression model classifies observations into more than pair categories (e.g. blood group) thereafter you must assess splitting it into separate dichotomous variables as reported beneath dummy variables.


Influential information and residuals

A remaining for a Y point is the difference between the noticed and fitted value for that point, i.e. it is the distance of the point from the fitted regression line. If the form of residuals adjustments along the regression queue thereafter assess employing status procedures or linear regression afterwards an appropriate revolution of your data.

The influential information option in StatsDirect gives an analysis of residuals and permits you to save the residuals and their related statistics to a workbook. It is good practice to inspect a scatter plot of the residuals against fitted Y values. You might also hope to inspect a regular plot of the residuals and conduct a Shapiro-Wilk trial to appearance for evidence of non-normality.

Standard mistake for the predicted Y, influence hi (the ith diagonal particle of the cap (XXi) matrix), Studentized residuals, jackknife residuals, Cook's distance and DFIT are also given with the residuals. For further knowledge on analysis of residuals please perceive Belsley et al. (1980), Kleinbaum et al. (1998) or Draper and Smith (1998).



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