In this paper, we can see how the book offers a melting pot conceptual and intellectual, which allows authors to subtly match and be rich and review in an innovative manner by giving strength of conviction and interest. Indeed, the thought of author wants to focus on multiple directional operating back and forth between the different approaches constant reflection on gender, the author is placing itself at the center of these complex and dazzling mirrors thoughts. The content of text is not as confusing as its style; this requires the continuous effort by readers to follow these conceptual confrontations leading to a deconstructive thought.
The foundation of the text is based upon the facts that are complex coexistence of gender and sexuality is generating disorder. The thought of the author is like political commitment for the recognition of sexual minorities. Theories are always associated with practices to demonstrate that gender is also a way of signifying relationships of power that must be played to better apart. This drag is to investigative of this notion of play, parody and performativity. Although it is mainly focusing of its performance, on an equal footing with all women, reducing gender binary vision of phenomena construction (Ellen, 2002). Body, gender and performativity is one in the sense that there is no ontological status is independent of various acts which constitute its reality. The drag expressive disorder model of gender, and challenges the idea that there is a kind of true sexuality. We can find that the dissonance between being and appearance, sex and type of performance, and parody the idea that there would be real women and real men. If the inner truth of gender is a fabrication and the idea that there is a true gender is a fantasy constructed and placed on the surface of the body. Then it seems that genders can neither be true nor false, but products such as the effects of truth a discourse of identity first.
The text which has been provided to us, we can easily find that the author was actually striving to deliver such necessary information. And produce it to the masses to focus on factors as mentioned, to deconstruct, to denaturalize gender identities and gender, and disrupt production mechanisms. Through this attempt to open all possible fields, sometimes it requires the reader to abandon outdated thinking and neurotic.
The first section, Subjects of Sex /Gender /Desire review the status of women as the subject of feminism. The compulsory heterosexuality as understood as regimes of discourse. Also, power that is often distinguished by the way to answer the questions that lie at the heart of such language; how language constructs it sex categories? The women which resists its representation in the language? Feminine is the only one sex is represented in a language that is identified with the female sex? How does it produce the language itself, sex as a fictional construct that support these various regimes of power? What kinds of ...