Gender Differences

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Gender Differences


Greer claims that gender differences are primarily cultural rather than biological. In particular, she sees “maleness [as] the natural condition, the sex” and “masculinity [as] a cultural construct, the gender.” Since masculinity is cultural, in her view, she further claims that boys are raised differently than girls, which is problematic for both genders because raising boys differently creates the “myth” of masculinity and, ultimately, a “system” that promotes sexist behaviors (Greer, pp. 58-95).

I agree to the point because gender differences are cultural. People prefer boys over girls, and this is specially the case in the third world countries. Biologically, the sex of a person although differ, but the way girls and boys are treated, segregates their identity, with girls and women commonly facing discrimination around the globe This paper aims investigate the bases on which gender differences are created. Moreover, this paper will also conclude with the evolutionary and social implications of the differences amongst the two genders.


The Culture of Gender what makes one male or female?

Attributes and behavior that is associated with men or women, and relationship between men and women are shaped by Culture. In other words, culture shapes gender. Culture shapes genders identities and gender relations because, it does not only shapes daily life of individual but also shape overall society. The function of Gender (like ethnicity or race) is to organize principles for community. Culture gives meaning to being female or male. For example, division of labor is according to gender. In western societies, a clear pattern of “women's work” and “men's work” is practicing. However, some societies are against to “women's work”. The explanations and patterns create the difference among cultures of different societies.

Theorists' Belief

A sexologist John Money described the terminological dissimilarity between biological sex and social construct of genders in 1955. Multicultural Counsels claims that genders are constructed socially, while biological theorists argue that biology of people depends upon their sex. Biological theorist provides evidence on the basis of human biology that creates a difference in genders. Body shape is also responsible for the activities and the behavior of people. Genes and Chromosomal difference mutate the attributes of people.

However, multicultural counseling prefers that society and culture develop the behavior that create the difference between genders. The norms and values are influenced on living style of people. Biologist says that characters and traits are based on arrangement of chromosome and genes while multicultural counseling argues that most of traits and characters are not present at the time of birth. People learn from their society. Personality depends upon genes, but it is also depended on society. Human is a social animal and this willingness to be with other people, makes them socialized.

A number of psychological studies have focused on the factors which differentiate girls and boys, and men and women. Outside the psychological domain, a myriad of magazine and newspaper articles affirms the significance of the issue of gender differences. The behavioral, social and societal ways, which are connected with being a female or male, ...
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