Gay Marriage

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Gay Marriage


A brief discussion of the historical usage of the word gay shows how the term has come to be misappropriated often within modern contexts. Because of this, homosexual individuals and communities struggle to maintain a strong identity within the midst of continual shifting connotations of the term gay within the vernacular (Hammock, Cohler, p. 11).

For some time the mainstream media strive to discredit any attempt to oppose for scientific and social ideology of homosexuality and what it represents especially marriage and adoption by homosexuals. There are few who argue that society progresses and has a commitment to social progress manifested in overcoming the barriers of discrimination against homosexuals. Advocates of these positions have tried to defame those who defend the right of children to the best family possible and society's right to propose marriage as a union between a man and a woman saying that we impose our religious beliefs to others and that impede the recognition of civil rights for all.

Gay people should be respected and protected as individuals, but your lifestyle should not be proposed to children as a safe option in life. Before you form your own opinion, please consider these thoughts.

Homosexuals, like everyone, they can marry is discriminatory and that many choose not to. Homosexuals can marry the same rights and obligations as heterosexual. That is, only one other person and only the opposite sex and have certain age and consent. That a homosexual complain of discrimination because he is not allowed to marry someone of the same sex is like a polygamist complain of discrimination because he is not allowed to marry several women, or a promiscuous with multiple and multi-tasking. No discrimination: the law is equal for all and the company has a model of marriage that has proven effective for centuries.


The term gay has also encountered a negative connotation among the younger generation. Statements such as “That is so gay” or “You are so gay” are indicative of someone or something being not being good or “cool.” As aforementioned, the word gay is associated with the term homosexuality. It refers to same-sex relationships and marriage, hence, gay marriage. However, supporters of the homosexuality community have steered away from coining that phase because it is more inclusive of just gay men and not lesbians, bisexuals, and transgendered individuals (Leap, Boellstorff, p. 72).

Gay is a social experiment unprecedented. Marry with same sex is a social experiment that has never before been attempted. No civilization has introduced gay marriage. Even societies that allowed homosexuality and even encouraged at certain ages and social classes, as the ancient Greeks clearly understood marriage as the stable union between a man and a woman open to having children. One thing was the sexual practices of citizens and another to the family and the procreation and education of children. Homosexuality has taken many forms in different societies, but has never been associated with marriage. Experimenting with the social model is irresponsible and dangerous, but many argue that testing for ideological reasons to reject the family and not for scientific or even social ...
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