Gay Marriage

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Gay Marriage


In this study, we are debating on the most controversial issue of these days, i.e. Gay Marriages. The focus of the research is on the Gay rights and their right to be in a relationship and whether gay marriage is allowed or not? The research also analyzes many aspects, which are in favor or against of Gay Marriages.

Gay Marriage and Designation of Rights


Gay marriages have been a crucial issue in recent times. In ancient times, homosexual marriages had been seen as a wrongdoing by everyone, bearing in mind it just out of the inquiry. Contemporary Western societies in America and Europe are gradually moving in the direction of the recognition of same-sex relations. Firstly people were challenged to accept homosexual partnership on a legal and political stage; but in recent times more problematically, people are being asked to agree to a redefinition of the establishment of marriage itself. A wedding is not only an essential as a relationship between a woman and a man, however as a sexual connection which allows two women or two men to be dedicated to each other (Bernstein, 2009).

In today's world of modernization and futuristic belief, matrimonial relationships among boys (gay marriages) and girls (lesbian marriages) are considered appropriate. The thought that provokes when discussing gay marriages is generally uncomfortable, placing the generations-our brood and offspring-at risk of developing disastrous and disturbed mental patterns. The following discussion is about the rights of gay marriage whether it should be legalized or not.


Thomas Jefferson in 1779 was the first to propose the law, which would authorize the castration of gays, but at that time, it was not accepted. After 224 years later to this proposition, when U.S. Supreme Court and the law of treating people having same sex intercourse in Lawrence v. Texas. In 1951, the first gay organization was founded. In 1955, Daughters of Bilitis (DoB) was formed, which was the first lesbian right organization. In 1962, the first state in United States of America, to decriminalize the homosexual act was in Illinois.

Same sex marriages while attaining it legislative significance has led to differences by jurisdiction, which results in legislative changes, in the marriage laws and challenges of court on the ground of the constitutional guarantee. The recognition of such marriage has led to the political, moral, religious, social, and civil right concern in most countries. The major arise was the allowance of ...
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