Gay Bullying

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Gay Bullying

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Gay Bullying


Gay bullying has been a long ignored issue. Despite the fact that homosexuality has been advocated to become a norm in the society, it might still be treated as socially deviant issue in several areas of life. Gay kids have been a target of bullying in schools, and recently the issue has been recognized as civil rights issue.

The content of document is designed to explore the issue under the light of social Justice. It discusses the ways in which the incidents regarding gay bullying can be diminished or altered in order to reduce the probability of undesired outcomes.


A lot of cases of suicide associated with anti gay bullying have been brought to the front and have been highly publicized. The issue is now turning out to be one of the most disturbing issues, having strong impact on the youth. The case of Tyler Clementi, an eighteen year old student in New Jersey was one of the most publicized cases. Tyler committed suicide after two of his classmates made his video while Tyler was making out with another male and displayed the film online. A week later, a nineteen year-old student Raymond Chase in openly gay college situated in Rhode Island was found dead in his room. In year 2010 several suicide cases were brought forth by the media: Asher Brown, 13 years old; Seth Walsh, 13 years old; Billy Lucas, 15 years old; and Justin Aaberg, 15 years old. Family and friends report that these young men were victims of frequent anti-gay bullying. Although shocking, unfortunately these highly publicized cases are just a small representation of youth suicides related to anti-gay bullying in the U.S.

The gay students face a lot of safety concerns inside school premises. Not only their psychological peace and emotional values are challenged but their self worth is destroyed.

They might sink into depression to the point of suicidal thought. In accordance with Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) report, approximately eighty four percent of LGBT students stated being verbally hassled, around forty percent stated being physically harassed and around nineteen percent claimed being physically battered at school due to their sexual orientation (GLSEN 2009 National School Climate Survey).

In accordance with survey conducted by The Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network's (GLSEN) regarding the school environment, around sixty one percent of the LGBTQ adolescents reported to feeling uncomfortable and insecure within the school premises and around forty four percent reported being physically assaulted because of their gender orientation. This is a serious concern as the sense of insecurity is not just a feeling. One in every six LGBTQ individual is usually assaulted badly enough that immediate medical attention is required. Furthermore the suicide cases related to the mental torture regarding sexual orientation have been reported to increase swiftly in recent years.

Contextual Factors

The biggest reason why students have to suffer in regards with their sexual orientation is because gay; lesbians and bisexuals are still treated as deviants in the society. Even after several ...
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