Garbage Bins

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Garbage Bins


One of the essential objects that are used by the human beings in their everyday life is a garbage bin. No matter to what part of the world people belong to garbage bin is an item that is used in all corners of the worlds. Despite the changes in the size and shape of garbage bins the usage of the object is the same all over the place. A garbage bin is a vessel which is mainly used temporarily for storing all the garbage and discarded items. People use different terms in different languages depending on the design or the location a garbage bin is used (M.E.L, pp.13-34).


Garbage Bin History

The history of garbage bin is vast; it began from riding at the back of the horse drawn carts, which has now changed in to a set of robotic arms which is controlled by the garbage trucks today. With the constant growth in the consumption of garbage all around the world, the people identified a need of proper waste management system. As time passed by the method for collection of garbage became more and more advanced, and so did the garbage bins along with it (Korine, pp.67-89).

Garbage Bin: First Appearance

The garbage bin officially came into existence for the first time in England in the year 1875, England was the first country where the world saw the first glimpse of garbage bin, and the garbage bin at that time was used for storing ash from the burned waste. Right after ten years the United States of America caught the concept, along with a comprehensive waste management introduced for the first time ever in the city of New York. Once this incinerating garbage became a usual practice inside the United States of America, the horse drawn carts were immediately replaced by the motor cars.

Garbage Bin: Proliferation

In the next few decades, the garbage bins took a new face with the inventions from disposable to plastic razors which began to increase the breakneck pace, along with that the dime stores became. In the year 1968 almost about one third of America started to sort out their garbage, which marked the need of the garbage bins, and along the concept of recycling became a worldwide known concept. It became the part of the population growth and the part boom of the consumerist society. Now, the garbage can have become so ...
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