Gangs And Drugs

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Gangs and Drugs

Gangs and Drugs


International terrorism, drugs, gangs, alcoholism, gun control, sexism or even racism are the problems which our society is facing. However, drugs, gangs are the main issues, which infected our youth in many ways. These problems will contribute a great negative effect on youth. The gangs of young people in American cities have a long history. Over the last twenty years there is a global transformation in street crime, which is designated as the "corporatization" - street gangs have become carriers of the common criminal subculture in the criminal "firm." The consequences are unspeakable and devastating to many lives and family members (Lopez, 2004). Drug use is the increasing problem among youth. Youth might try drugs just to fit in the social group, even if a person had no intentions of using drugs one might do it just to be considered “cool” by his friends. In today society, drugs are very common, and they are considered to be an acceptable social phenomenon by many teenagers. The availability and variety of drugs are widespread, which lead to the demand and supply of drugs are plentiful.


The common denominator of "gang" is to make a name, to gain respect, sometimes by introducing fear, and to thus dominate a territory for drug market that gives you confidence and your dealer will let you do retail sales. According to investigation there are different gangs, rival each other, and that's where it becomes important to figure these guys. This system needs of unemployed persons, who have free time and can dominate the territory 24 hours (Sheridan, 2004). There are guys who do not leave certain groups of apples, because being out of these areas represents a threat to them. Drugs have billion-dollar business, and the heads of large gangs make most of that money. Gang members want to make money too, but they generally don't like to have a regular job. It's not cool. Often their answer is to sell drugs for the kingpins. It is fairly easy to sell drugs. Many dealers begin by giving drugs to children or teens in school. “C'mon, just try it. You'll like it. Being high even makes math class fun.” The person becomes addicted and begins to buy the drug (Condon, 2003). The addict generally doesn't have enough money to sustain his new drug habit, so he begins to steal from his parents, his friends, or even from strangers. He may even join gang and begin to sell drugs to other to support his habit.

Life in a gang is a life of danger. You are in danger of death at every moment. The danger runs from the lowest position in a gang, that of a lookout, to the highest, that of the kingpin. The organization of a gang depends on how big or small it is. Small gangs have one leader and several followers. Older members are considered more important than younger or newer ones. Boys usually have higher status than ...
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