The History Of Game Console Regarding The Activity Use
The History Of Game Console Regarding The Activity Use
Everything has a beginning, and strangely enough, these games of millions of polygons and textures are incredible to those who used to play on your shiny new console generation they succeeded. From the first game (Pong), the world has changed a lot. Both graphics and sound, and the argument of the current game has evolved surprisingly quickly and in a sensational, and although one can say that the first game appeared some 30 years ago, the origins of this fantasy world back much earlier, as companies that founded it.The beginning of the beginning:
The first game was invented in 1958, its author Bill Nighinbottham, is therefore the first developer of video games in history and, we owe that consoles exist and therefore there is this website (Thanks Bill). But, he was not so important to raise their game (which did not invest in more than a week) was a representation of a very poor game of tennis that featured a science fair in their city, called Tennis for Two and although the fair's invention aroused much interest he did not consider to take him anywhere and therefore did not bother to register it (wrong Bill.)
But, even Pong was the first game was not the first to see the light. The first commercial arcade came out a year before and was created by NolanBushnell himself before founding Atari. It was a game for 1 or 2 player and was called Computer Space.
The first video game console listed is the Odyssey from Magnavox , appeared on the market in 1972 . Created by Ralph Baer , she can play several different games using a system of layers to be displayed on the screen of the TV . This is the beginning of the first generation of consoles that ends with Pong three years later.
The second generation begins with the Fairchild Channel F in 1976. With cartridges , it is now possible to run several games on one console, and the player buys the games he likes.
The crash of the video game of 1983 occurred due to several factors, including the proliferation of low quality games and compete with personal computers .
The video game industry really does not restart until 1985, with the third generation and especially the success of the NES with games like Super Mario Bros.. , The Legend of Zelda and Castlevania . The PC-Engine and Sega Master System coming to market but the success of the PC-Engine confined to Japan, one of the Master System in Europe and Brazil.
Consoles "16 bits" are part of the fourth generation . In the late 1980s, the Genesis and Super Nintendo initiate a trade war between Sega and Nintendo . The conflict extends into the category of handheld consoles, where Nintendo and Sega respectively offer the Game Boy and Game Gear . Their mascots are directly competing, Mario the plumber and Sonic the hedgehog. It is also the time during which European consumers are importing their own games in ...