The news is a fact, an event that is reported to be of interest to a group of people. To decide what is news and what is not, should take into account the historical moment (ie, the context in which events occur), the public and, especially, the significance of what is happening and the impact that can result in the community, that is, a fact that might be news in the past (such as the near extinction of the pink dolphins) is no longer present, even though it remains true and important.
Everybody knows and values that the days of killing time for the newspaper to reach your destination to see who won yesterday's football game is long gone. Customers already know the news prior to view in the newspaper tomorrow. Because of so many rival channels of information, the newspaper is no longer a time capsule of the day before it is a more common, tailored description of what is occurring now occurred freshly, or occurred in the remote past, with a strange twist ((Pew, 178).
As readers of print news and viewers and listeners of broadcast news erode, traditional media have a harder era remaining financially feasible. Of even larger concern are the cuts being made to the news collecting staff as fewer reporters translate to lower-quality news products.
This paper finds that readers of newspaper have decreased their consumption over recent decades—and comes to the conclusion that the lovers of newspaper have shifted to Internet web. Rather than waiting for a long time for a newspaper to come and then read the newspaper they prefer using Internet.
The Internet provides news and information to a huge and growing audience, and so has the potential to be as powerful a resource as broadcast media. By the fall of 2005, the percentage of Americans with home Internet access had risen to 68%, up from 55% in the fall of 2000.
This audience appears to use the Internet as a source of information when making crucial decisions. According to the Pew Internet & American Life Project, 45% of Internet consumers (about 60 million Americans) say that “the Internet facilitated them craft life-size verdicts or discuss their way during major events in their lives in the previous two years” (Horrigan, 22).
Though the Internet and traditional media have characteristics in common, they differ in at least two main ways. First, because the Internet is an interactive medium, searching is the most important difference between the Internet and traditional media.
Activity online rotates around individual preferences and searches for information, rather than viewing or listening to scheduled broadcasts or reading what is offered in a magazine or newspaper. The online audience knows what they look for and expects to find it quickly.
Thus from the earlier finding, we can conclude that as the world is getting more advance day by day. The sense of being faster and faster has compelled the news readers to adopt more faster and well defined and broader means of news. Thus, the future of ...