From Online Hacking To Cyber Terrorism

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From Online Hacking to Cyber Terrorism

From Online Hacking to Cyber Terrorism


Cyber Terrorism can come in all sorts of ways through Cyber Space and it is defined in many different ways. Cyber Terrorism can come in the form of misinformation. Hacking is a good example of Cyber Terrorism. An example of hacking would be hacking into a hospital computer system and changing someone s medicine prescription to a lethal dosage as an act of revenge. Cyber Terrorism is a more popular form for terrorist because they don t have to use guns or bombs for destruction. Cyber Terrorism could be defined as the use of computing resources to intimidate or coerce others. To the FBI, Cyber Terrorism is defined as the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof(Knittel Soto 2000), in furtherance of political or social objectives. But some people know cyber terrorism as information warfare which means the ability to unleash horror and devastation with a few well-aimed strokes on a computer keyboard.


In today's society, people are always trying to improve technology, but in doing so, are they creating something that can be used to create mass destruction for the United States? Everyday computers get faster, new programs are written, or some scientist finds a way to make a job be done quicker. For most people, they welcome the advancement of science to ease their lives, but it is known that technology can also be used to create havoc, and destroy human beings.

        The United States is finding out that being a World Power, other countries are jealous. Most understand the word terrorism to mean bombs, and mass murders, but with the evolution of the computer age, terrorism is taking on a whole new meaning. No longer is computer hacking something from a movie, or a sci fi flick, it is now a real danger to the United States. This new technology is being called Cyber Terrorism, and is used by a variety of people. Many radical Rebel groups, and other terrorist groups are using the World Wide Web to preach propaganda, and some U.S. officials believe they are also sending encrypted e-mails detailing when there next attack will be(Vatis 2002 ).

The FBI is very concerned about cyber terrorist, for fear that one might begin an electronic attack, which could shut down power plants, or airports vital to the U.S.The Government is trying to ward of terrorist attacks and better prepare the Country incase such attack should ever occur. Presidential Decision Directive 63, which is the alliance between industries and the Government to prevent terrorism and computer hacking could work, but only if both private and public sector corporations work with the Government one hundred percent. The main areas that the Government hopes will work with them on this is the power plants and the major airports in the United States. These are the two places the Government fears will ...
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