Freedom In Saudi Arabia

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Freedom in Saudi Arabia

Freedom in Saudi Arabia

The official religion in Saudi Arabia is Islam. There are a lot of people uses Islam as cause of every boundary in Saudi Arabia.In Saudi Arabia there are no international law or even Constitution. The law in Saudi Arabia beset on whole Quran, where god posts all cases and condition; However, some groups translate what god have said in whole Quran for other direction. Therefore, there are groups called Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and vice, where they use Islam as face to achieve theirunpleasant demands. Some people called Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and vice” devils because they attack people in streets if they see something they don't like. Limit freedom in Saudi Arabia caused a slow growth in society.

Saudi Arabia, formally known as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, has an estimated population of 25 million residents; 20 percent of residents are non-Saudis. By land area, it is the largest country in the Middle East and the third-largest Arab country. With its dominant presence in politics, religion, and oil production, Saudi Arabia establishes rich social networks. Many of Saudi Arabia's social networks form from religion and business (Brown, Pp. 96-105). With a continually growing economy, attention to Saudi Arabia is growing fast around the world. It is a required passage for investors in the oil industry, as its land holds a large percentage of the world's oil supply. The king and royal family have strong political ties that keep its male citizens compliant, its women restrained, and its non-Muslim citizens quiet.

The Role of the Absolute Monarchy

An absolute monarchy, Saudi Arabia also complies with Islamic law and the Qur'an, with no political parties or elections permitted. The royal family approves successors to the throne, which consists of the first king, Abdul Aziz Al Saud, and his sons and grandsons. The king plays a vital role in politics, as he is also the prime minister and chair of the Council of Ministers. The king has the ability to make executive decisions in many of the country's important matters, including defense, finance, and the economy. Another important role in the political area is played by a group of religious leaders known as the ulema. This group is allowed to appeal to the king and royal courts, but citizens are prohibited from participation in government. The media is also banned from reporting on political issues that may conflict with royal decisions (Ramady, Pp.75-81).

Saudi Arabia creates a haven for Muslims, as it is considered the “cradle of Islam.” An estimated 97 percent of the population is Muslim, and the Saudi Arabian government enforces laws that encourage the promotion of the Muslim faith. Non-Muslim worship is prohibited in public and may be practiced in private only; therefore, strong non-Muslim faith-based networks flourish in the kingdom. It is also illegal to openly convert from Islam to another faith and is punishable by death. The Committee for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice (CPVPV) is in ...
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