Fraternization In The Workplace

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Fraternization in the Workplace

Fraternization in the Workplace


Fraternization at workplace poses a lot of dangers, especially when it is between a supervisor and a subordinate.

Detailed Description of the Issue

Fraternization usually refers to the social contact between co-workers after hours and place of work. Some employers prohibit fraternization, especially when there is likely to take place relationships, sexual activity or marriage between supervisors and subordinates. The reason behind this is that many of the links often complicate loving relationships between supervisors and subordinates. For example, if an affair starts between the supervisor and subordinate, the employee may accuse the other of unwanted courtship or sexual harassment. This may become more complicated if one party is supervisor of the other in the relationship. It is easy to understand why many employers may not want to engage employees, from binding lovingly or marrying (Segal, 2005).

Today, the privacy of employees needs to be considered. The privacy issues are governed by law and the companies will not want to conflict with the right of privacy in an attempt to govern people's lives and relationships of its employees, with some possible exceptions in regard to alcohol or drug abuse. What probably makes sense to a position of non-intervention involving adult responsibility on behalf of their workers and not try to orchestrate relationships that may start or end.

In short, it may operate with respect to their expectations about the conduct of its employees, especially when they are away from work. With the exception of some behaviors that can affect their work, such as alcohol or drug use, an employer, has no legal right to govern the conduct of employees on personal matters, ranging from his sex life, his marital status or personal habits like smoking or gambling. By the principle of separation of church and state, religious institutions impose certain restrictions on their representatives, but this is one of the few exceptions to the rights of employees of privacy in his personal life, in fact, workers have good reasons for acting legally against employers who try to influence their life in a way that does not show a direct relationship with their job duties (Kim, 2004).

There are a number of dangers that the workplace may encounter if the supervisor and subordinate are in a relationship. These dangers are discussed below:


This is the most common danger that originates when the supervisor and the subordinate are in a relationship. The supervisor tends to favor the subordinate in every situation. He does not consider whether the company is benefitting from this act of his or not. All he cares about is favoring the person he likes and providing them with whatever he needs. This should not be the case as it discriminates the other employees and their motivation level drops. The supervisor tends to be more lenient with the subordinate and ignores the others. Promotion and other incentives that are given to employees are also impacted by this because the supervisor likes only one subordinate.


Whether or not the supervisor favors ...
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