Foreign Markets

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Foreign Markets

Chapter 5

Question 1

There are total 54 countries involved in War currently in the whole world. In total 334 Militias-guerrillas and separatist groups are involved in these wars. The notion of war is related to terms such as combat, battle, fight, fight or confrontation. In general, these concepts are interchangeable and synonymous, although each has a specific use that you feel better. For example, it is correct to speak about a "battle between fighters," but not a "war fighters".

War is concerned, in its most common usage, to armed struggle or war between two or more nations or sides. This involves breaking a state of peace, which leads to a confrontation with all kinds of weapons and usually generate a high number of deaths. War can be classified in different ways according to their characteristics. A preventive war is one that initiates a nation on the grounds that another country should be prepared to attack. But presently War is stereotypes for terrorism which targets a certain group of ethnicity. People are not very comfortable in defining war and discussing the issues since the war is stereotypes for Muslims and some Muslim States.

Question- 2

Recent Example of Politicide- Southern Sudan and Eritrea - Israel's allies

The State of Israel, wherever possible, fought against Soviet influence in Africa. As with the support of the Arab Muslim separatists in Eritrea were able to tear off a piece of land from Ethiopia, cutting to the State access to the sea, one of the first countries who supported the independence of Muslim countries. Eritrea was the state of Israel. Between the two countries suddenly arose, broke a close friendship, and the Israeli Navy has military bases on Eritrean Red Sea islands. As a result, the Navy is now dominated by Israel on the Red Sea, and has access to the Indian Ocean. As the military conflict in Eritrea does not stop, the Eritrean dictatorial regime requires citizens 25 years of service in the army, and pursues all deserters, and the Israeli government signed an international convention on the non-surrender of illegal refugees in the country with the conflict or to countries where they may face persecution, to return a large number of Eritrean illegal immigrants back to Eritrea impossible.


In the beginning of 2001 Government of Pakistan banned all the jihad groups. Since 2002 the camps of terrorists were hidden in the north west of Pakistan deep in the mountains. Government forces reinforced the understanding of prosecution of Believers of Islam by giving in US. AT the same time, Ajmal Kasab was unable to find a job. He decided to rob people in Rawalpindi. In one market of Rawalpindi, he went to buy a gun, there he met someone who told him about secrete training camps. Ho found it exciting since he was young and he did not have any opportunity. He signed up the contract for training. He became the follower of another person who was looking for adventures and tourism and of course the concept of ...
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