Follow My Leader And 2011 Oil Shock

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FOLLOW MY LEADER AND 2011 OIL SHOCK Follow My Leader and 2011 Oil Shock

Follow My Leader and 2011 Oil Shock

Follow my Leader

The study that is “follow my leader” shows that it is important for the people to follow the steps and the guidelines of their leader as they provide and serves as the proper path towards the success. Human beings like to think of themselves as the animal kingdom's smartest alecks. Unfortunately, it is impossible to tag more than a few individuals in a herd, flock or swarm. Researchers have therefore tended to extrapolate from these few results by using various computer models. Most recently, it has been modeled the behavior of shoals of fish. It turns out that by fiddling with these tendencies, a virtual shoal can be made to swirl spontaneously in a circle, just like some real species do. Moreover, it is said that a group's intelligence depends up on its members' ignorance.

Dr Couzin therefore wanted to find out how such temporary leaders influence the behavior of the people. He discovered that leadership is extremely efficient. Tracking individual fish in a shoal is hard. Fortunately, advances in pattern-recognition software mean it is no longer impossible. Dr Couzin has been using a program developed by Colin Twomey, a graduate student at his laboratory, to track individual fish in a tank. The result is not just a model of shoaling fish, but a precise numerical representation of their actual movements and fields of vision. Alas, merely observing a shoal does not make it clear which individuals lead and which follow. Instead, Dr Couzin has built a biddable robot three spined stickleback. A preliminary study of a shoal of ten flesh-and-blood sticklebacks shows that they do indeed mingle with the robot and that they follow its leadership cues as ...
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