Focus On Future

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Focus on Future

Table of Contents


Strategic Approach through framework model for Dimensions of Change4

Change Management tools4

Driving and restraining forces towards the short term goal6

Risk involved in the operation oversees7

Strengths and Weaknesses7

Core Competencies8

Change agents and clients9

Organizational Development9

Evaluation of Strategy10


Focus on Future


Hariot Watt University is one of the most established and renowned university of Scotland. It is one of the leading institutes in the fields of science, technology and business. It provides more graduates than any other university of Scotland. It is more renowned for the quality education it provides in the field of science, technology and engineering. It has its presence worldwide and provides education to around 1700 individuals worldwide, who study from their home.

University has vast infrastructure and cherishes to have a strong network with other universities and institutes that help the organization to achieve its goals. It is in collaboration with George Davies centre for retail excellence, and with Scottish oil. This networking help the organization to get the desired network and increase the reach of the university, while exploration and discovery of oil is done through the collaboration of Scottish Oil (Bold, 2011, pp. 5-13).

The institute thrives in the extensive research it carries out, as it has a separate engineering and research department which involves exploring new sources of energy and research on different projects.

University is now planning to become one of the leading universities of the world, as it is working on its short term goal of “focus on future”, which it hopes to achieve in the future.

Strategic Approach through framework model for Dimensions of Change

Framework Model for Dimension says that organizations look for four factors before witnessing a change in the organization. These factors include Environmental Assessment, Human Resources as Assets, Strategic and Operational Changes, leading change and overall coherence. The organization first worked on the Environment and assessed great opportunity in the field of energy, environment and Science. World is facing energy shortage it presents challenges as well as great oppurtunities to university to develop and work in this area. After assessing the Environment, they had to look at their available Human Resource and the required need of Humna Resource. Since they want to go global, it requires a lot of effort and infrastructure, in terms of Human Resource and Physical Infrastructure. They would have to hire many professionals and other key staff in order to achieve the aim of becoming the top university among all universities in the world.

University would also have to bring a strategic and operational change in the organization to achieve their short term goal. They have to expand their global business and target more students who study from home. All these steps are necessary to achieve this change and success. The university must also consider the fact that they would require qualified and experienced teachers and researchers specializing in the field of Environment, Sceince and Energy. Since the aim, of the organization is to become a research led university and this particular subject requires a lot of effort and ...
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