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In this study we try to explore the concept of “FMCG” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “FMCG” and its relation with “Syria”. The research also analyzes many aspects of “FMCG” and tries to gauge its effect on “Syria”. The methodology covers the research design and data collection tools regarding the “FMCG”. Results were based on the data being analyzed in methodology. Finally the research describes various factors which are responsible for “FMCG” and tries to describe the overall effect of “FMCG” on “Syria”. The paper concludes by mentioning the implications and future aspects regarding “FMCG”.
Table of Contents
Problem statement13
Aims and objectives13
Background of the study13
Significance of the study14
Building FMCG/Retail Relationships?23
Increased Product Variety44
Focus on Supply Chain Management:48
Trend Description49
Research Design55
Literature Search55
Justification for the choice of methodology56
Appropriateness of methodology to project57
Coherence and rigor of the approach57
Reliability and Validity57
Ethical Considerations59
SWOT Analysis62
Changing Profile and Mind Set of Consumer64
Advantages to the Sector64
Governmental Policy64
Central & State Initiatives65
Undeveloped retail but a shake-up looms in the textiles supply chain68
Materials imported by the Organization on its own account include:71
Price controls to be unraveled?72
Key Success Factors73
Situation Analysis75
Forces that shape competition76
Chapter 1: Introduction
Fast moving consumer goods part, with annual income of about $ 18 billion, has become an significant constituent of India's economy. Rate was noted double-digit development in latest years and extends its phenomenal expansion.
Syria rapidly consumer items (FMCG) part on a roll. Riding on the back of increasing demand and altering buyer preferences - through expanded earnings and the retail transformation - a part listed double-digit development over the past two years. Sector is seeing the emergence of new classes of goods and goods that objective to rendezvous the increasing aspirations of a new lifetime of Indians, who turns out to be very requiring consumers. According to approximates, the part of 18 billion dollars are anticipated to come to 22.9 billion U.S. dollars in 2011. (Christian, 2009)
Strong growth in the consumer items sector was made likely thanks to the unchanging enhancement and buyer earnings, the biggest consumer items companies in Syria, IV, with concerns in wellbeing, hygiene and nourishment products. "Growth in the part, directed by expanded demand for built-up and country areas. In the future expanded state support for agriculture will propel long-run growth of country consumption."
In supplement, consumer products rendezvous the rudimentary desires of consumers and, as a direct, couple of costly things that are essential for most families. "Consumer items sector will extend to manage so not only because the protecting ...