Fiscal policy Under the fiscal policy stance implied impact on state economic conditions through changes in public expenditure and taxation. Since the implementation of public spending means using the state budget and taxes are the main source of replenishment, fiscal policy is reduced to the manipulation of the state budget. (Levy, 2006, Pg # 198)
The basic directions of budgetary policy in the medium term are:
improving the fiscal policies of expenditure on the basis of criteria reflecting the efficiency of budgetary funds and defined the priorities of socio-economic policies;
creation of systems for managing public assets and liabilities, which will significantly improve the sustainability of the budget system, give flexibility to ongoing fiscal policy, reduce the risks associated with the structure of public debt;
improvement of the budgetary process, ensure budget transparency and budget procedures at all levels of the budgetary system; Formation of a fair, neutral and efficient tax system to reduce the tax burden on economic entities, creation of favorable conditions for development of entrepreneurship, to balance the state budget. "
Current Fiscal policy
It includes measures taken by the government aimed at establishing a state fund of funds needed to ensure the normal functioning of society. In a market economy, state budget has important macroeconomic function: to ensure the creation of public goods, creating the material base for the management of market processes through the state fund of funds, forming the basis for solving problems of growth of the population, to address social issues. (Grigsby, 2008, Pg # 106)
The state budget is based on the ratio of income and expenses. Theoretically, the best is the budget, which assumes a zero balance. However, if the economy develops, it should solve all the lengthy task and means for their implementation will not suffice.