Current events that deal with film and television industry
The most current events that deal with film and television industry is violence based TV programs and films. In addition the American population has also become a major concern over the potentiality effects of violent televise and the film industry programs, dramas and the films etc.
The television and the film industry both faces the same issues, however the American research has shown, as well, that popular American films are even more violent than American television programming a situation of note to Canadians since our domestic home-video market is saturated with American products. For demonstration, media aggression experts Ed Donnerstein, Ron Slaby and Leonard Eron, describing in 1993 on the mass media and youth aggression for the American Psychological Association, documented that blockbuster, Hollywood action films (such as Die Hard 2, Robocop and Total Recall, encompassing 264, 81 and 74 brutal killings respectively) were far more brutal than programming made for commercial prime time TV.
The main controversy over television and film violence, which raged in social science circles for years, did not concern the types of studies mentioned above, which measure and compare the nature of violent programming. Rather, the real point of contention was the issue of cause and effect whether watching violent programming causes individuals to exhibit violent behavior. Although a direct, causal connection is tough to establish, three foremost American studies, spanning 30 years entirely, each discovered a affirmative association or connection between children's viewing of aggression on TV and aggressive mind-set and behaviors. These studies are: report to the Surgeon General on the impact of televised violence, released at the end of 1971; the National Institute of Mental Health's follow-up to the report to the Surgeon General, ten ...