Father Joe

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Father Joe

Father Joe


The memoir “Father Joe: The Man Who Saved My Soul” is compiled by Tony Hendra in 2004, who is an English comic and satirist. Tony Hendra completed his higher studies from Cambridge University, United Kingdom and performed frequently as a comic performer (Hendra, 2004). He has providing the services as a comic writer for the past three decades and this book of his is the most heartfelt and heart touching one. Hendra is renowned as the original editor of spy and National Lampoon. This influencing story surrounds around the finding of reliance, friendship and relation through the influence of a Christian Catholic monk named Father Joseph Warrillow. The monk created a great impact on his life as a result.


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As a 14 year old, Hendra indulge in an affair with a woman who was both, aged and married. The husband of that woman was a religious Catholic priest named Father Joe. When he discovered about their unlawful relation, he took Hendra with him on a journey to Quarr Abbey, which is a monastery on the Isle of Wright (Metallo, 2011). Over there, Hendra expected a disciplined behavior towards him, but instead, the monk treated him very gently. This gentle attitude inspired Hendra, and he made his mind to become a monk himself at Quarr.

At reaching the age of 18, when he was able to practice monastery, Father Joe became aware of the fact that Hendra had earned scholarship at Cambridge University. So he forced Hendra to complete his education first before entering into monastery. Hendra got married during his studies; as a result, he was not able to become a monk. However, he paid regular visits to Father Joe for a period of over 40 years until his death on April 27th, 1998.

Personality of Father Joe

When Tony Hender ...
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