Father Involved Or Absent

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Father Involved Or Absent


""Fathers were for us the embodiment of God. If our fathers betrayed us, what does that say about God?..." and hereafter, and these timeless statement of Pitt and Norton in an interview about the "generation of grown women," ... The protagonist of all time lived as told by his father, guided by his authority, and suddenly it turned out that he will not need, that he had forgotten his father, and his place in society, it does not like, etc.."

Though children of all ages, both male and female, have an innate need for contact with their fathers, boys suffer most from the absence or non-involvement of fathers. According to the National Center for Children in Poverty, boys without fathers are twice as likely to drop out of school, twice as likely to go to jail and nearly four times as likely to need treatment for emotional and behavioral problems as boys with fathers (Clark, Pp. 65).

Thesis Statement

The purpose of this paper is to determine why men need father figures in their lives.


Trust is laid at an early age, and for the relationship of father and son trust is the cornerstone on which to build the entire system of education of men, and on which depends the successful outcome of this process. Trust and understanding in the relationship of father and son are laid at an early age. If the father from the first days of life the child is actively involved in caring for him, plays with him and talking, it creates an important psychological link between them. Father, that itself, perhaps and not noticing, is starting to better understand their child's wishes and needs. All this creates a solid foundation for the development of understanding between father and son in the future. Understanding, in turn, is a prerequisite for the formation of trust relationships. Initiator, a source of confidence here is the father. It was his actions prevent the emergence of a barrier of misunderstanding and coldness (Henderson, Pp. 143).

From an early age boys need to be sure that his father - a man who can understand him and help him and this ability to understand is not exactly like the one that shows a mother, she is not based on a desire to spare, and the men's assessment of the problem and how to solve it. And he could achieve such confidence in him his son only through the demonstration of their relationship. Sincere interest in the cases and experiences his son, his opinions and hobbies, talking on a variety of topics - these are some simple techniques to create a special warmth and understanding in relations between father and son. And the fruit of these efforts will trust to his father - as a blossoming bud flower in response to care for him.

Initially, in childhood, this trust is a simple and unsophisticated, and is expressed primarily in the fact that a child there is an urgent need to tell her father about ...
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