Fashion And Appearance

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Fashion and appearance

Fashion and appearance


The method is particularly characterized by the evolution of taste in clothing since the emergence in the nineteenth century, high fashion, economic sector organized around brands and creative individual. This appearance coincides with the emergence of a garment industry, affecting customers increasingly broad. ( James Hannaham, 2007, 48)

Directly linked to mutations affecting the lifestyles and values ??of societies (such as wars, periods of social upheaval) fashion undergoes during the reporting period, a paradoxical development. If haute couture, luxury activity par excellence, located at the border of crafts and industry, seem limited to an elite social or economic, it is part of a broader trend. (Niven, 2006, 352) Social differentiation is reduced through the garment, with this evolution, through the expansion of the garment and ready-to-wear. Furthermore, in parallel with the simplification of social customs, there is a desire for greater functionality. The emergence from the sixties, along with designers, creators called stylists reflects this trend: despite working for the industry, they have nonetheless profoundly affected the fashion trends during the last thirty years. (Alexander, Jesse, 2008, 67)

In 1997, there is an official recognition of fashion, with the creation of a museum of fashion at the Carrousel du Louvre and at the same time, the consecration of trends, more and more obvious since the Seventy: eclectic, casual style (with the jeans and the diversion of sportswear for city use), the style "grunge", the extreme simplicity and antipode urban outfits (basic suit, t- shirt and trousers, often in the workplace). (Mendes, 2004, 14)

Fashion Appearance

The appearance of people, their manners and clothing can be presented to the other, are decisive elements in social intercourse. It is true that you look like you covered. It is true that the first impression is what counts and requires safe and confident walk of life, to succeed in every project we undertake. Therefore, the perfect combination for people made a good impression to others, whether at work, at a club in a mall, a restaurant, at a party and in general in all places of conviviality with others is to look good, feel good and behave well. Sometimes they are just small details that help or worsen your image as a person, hence the importance of caring for them. (McCabe, 2005, 1)

This is not to become carriers of the garments of the last fashions to look good. Neither of breaking heads to get branded clothing, or show a way to act differently than we have been, or to appropriate forms and attitudes of others. The key is to project personal safety, be kind to others and dress according to where we relate to others. Fashion is not only thin women who wear the latest outfits on the market. (A.Bennett, 2005, 116)

The emergence of social fashion

Fashion plays a central role in our lives because it allows us to define our social identity. Yet, despite this familiarity, it seems as elusive and ...
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