Family And Slavery

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Relevance of the Family and Slavery to the Theories of Society of Aristotle Rousseau, And Olympe De Gouges

Relevance of the Family and Slavery to the Theories of Society of Aristotle Rousseau, And Olympe De Gouges


The society is formed by the family as the beginning of every society, so says the family model, father and children, can be compared with the state model, head, and people. Freedom is under attack as required for the existence of organized society, this attack is accepted by the people as a necessary evil to exist in an organized manner. Every human being is born free, just that some are born to rule and others to be governed and that lose their freedom free in the hands of its usefulness (Bobbio, 2000, 67). Slavery is undoubtedly one of the most egregious violations of fundamental rights that can be imagined. Enslave somebody is making it a property, something that can sell and buy, abuse and submit to do anything without getting anything in return. Slavery has existed since ancient times.

At the time of the French Enlightenment philosophers most significant (Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau) designed a series of 'contracts' economic and political were the basis of modern Western democracies. These contracts constructs sexual difference as political difference and establishes the division between public and private spheres by gender: women should take care of home and family (private sphere) and men of politics, culture, etc. (Public domain).Today, from the struggles of women for equality, is a feminist demand for a new social contract between men and women is to achieve equality in all areas, to achieve joint responsibility: to share the housework and family responsibilities, to share paid work and share power and decision-makingThis paper aims at finding the Relevance of the Family and Slavery to the Theories of Society of Aristotle Rousseau, And Olympe De Gouges.

Aristotle Rousseau

The Greek philosopher Aristotle once said that there were some people who were slaves by nature. However, slavery was especially hard after the discovery of America. Europeans enslaved millions of Africans and moved to America to make them work there. Today, after a long struggle, slavery was officially abolished throughout the world. However, in practice slavery actually remains in places. Currently there are areas where children are forced against their will to work as slaves, forcing them at times to become soldiers.

Rousseau states that political legitimacy is based on the community and the general will (Rousseau, 2008, 57). So if no one has the right to dispose of the benefit of another moral and civic freedom, it is desirable that men enter into a pact between them, a contract: the individual gives up absolute freedom and submits rules dictated by the general interest. In exchange, the community ensures the safety of everyone and respect for rules and rights so established.

Rousseau disagrees with Aristotle

Aristotle said that human beings are not equal naturally, but some are born to slavery, and others to rule:

"For that which can foresee by the exercise of ...
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