Eyewitness- effect of context, questioning and time intervals
[Name of Teacher]
In this study we try to explore the concept of “Eye witness testimony - effects of context, questioning, time intervals” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “Eye witness testimony” and discusses “effects of context, questioning and time intervals”. The research is Quantitative in nature because of the requirements of the study. To find out the accurate effects of context, questioning and interviews in eye witness testimony, statistical data will be used for the data which will be gathered in numeric form.
Research Question4
Significance of Study4
Literature Review4
Data Collection:8
Likert Scale9
The research study tends to focus on determining the Eye witness testimony - effects of context, questioning, time intervals. I have opted for the Quantitative analysis as the methodology of the research study. The research includes the articles, publications and studies that are easily accessible in form of journals. Further, data will be collected and statistical tools will be used to gauge the effectiveness. The research will start by providing the existing literature which will help in explaining the topic in a broader context. The literature will be searched in an extensive manner in order to obtain information that is relevant to the topic. Gathering secondary data will help me to gain an in depth information and knowledge on the topic. The methodology which will be adopted for this research will be based on quantitative analysis of the data. The research analysis will be done through questionnaire as well as, using statistical tools and, the conclusion will be drawn on the basis of these.
Research Question
“Eye witness testimony - effects of context, questioning and time intervals”|
Significance of Study
This study will be helpful in identifying the effects of context, questioning and time intervals on Eyewitness testimony. This study will help the law agencies as well as court trials in this regard.
Literature Review
As science has long shown, eyewitness accounts are often flawed. The human memory in general is far from perfect, working less as a video camera that continuously evolve as a collage, as studies have shown. A recent survey found that about 63 percent of American adults thought that the memory records events passively, by the model of the video camera. And the same poll found that more than one third of respondents thought that the testimony of a witness "reliable" enough evidence to convict a suspect. In almost three quarters of cases in which DNA evidence has exonerated a suspect, the eyewitness testimony was involved in the original process of conviction. Not only people can often obvious loss detail of a scene (like a person in a giant gorilla suit), but can even be carried with relative ease, to" remember "things that never happened in reality. These so-called false memories can be implanted intentionally or accidentally by poor methods of interrogation. Psychologist at the University of Washington studied this field for decades. Although the article refers specifically to the legal field, ...