Recruitment is considered as an activity that an organization conducts with an aim of attracting potential people in order to hire them as employees of the organization. Recruitment is typically of two types; internal recruitment that refers to a process used to attract current or internal employees of the company and enables employees to apply for any job opening in the firm. However, external recruitment refers to a method in which individuals who are not current employees of the company are evaluated to make them a part of the company (Cable et al. 2001).
Generally, recruitment is a term used to define external recruitment that consists of processes of identifying and attracting applicants for vacant positions, and ultimately turning applicants into employees (Rynes et al. 2000).
External Staffing & External Recruiting
When the firm indicates that there is a need of additional employees to manage the work load, then the organization engages in the activities of staffing or recruiting. The initial step of recruitment effort is to attract a pool of potential candidates to the organization. This pool is further screened and evaluated unless an appropriate number of applicants are offered employment. There are various methods through which candidates are screened out such as assessment of immediate and long-term employment needs, screen the labor market conditions, design recruitment materials, generate pools of qualified applicants, monitor the effectiveness of different sources of recruitment, follow-up with candidates, and evaluate the overall recruitment efforts (Bowen 2001).
External staffing refers to the method of an organization in which employers augment the pool of qualified applicants by looking outside the firm. Staff from the outside may bring new ideas and increase diversity. Such methods or programs include walk-ins, referral programs, employment agencies, temporary help agencies, schools, and foreign nationals. External staffing is done through advertising on media such as radio, web, print, and TV; through employment agencies, direct mail, and through many other methods. The combination of methods is dependent on the staffing budget and previous success of each method (Bowen 2001).
There are various issues that the company wants to address while recruiting within or outside the organization. These issues include questions such as does the firm want to develop employees by promoting from within, or are people needed from outside the organization? Will the human resource department of the company or an outside recruiting agency handle the entire process of ...