Experimentation Critique

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Experimentation Critique

Autism; Experimentation Critique

Experimentation Critique

Autism is defined as a complex biological disorder that generally lasts throughout a person's life. Autism is a developmental disability and is first detected childhood. This critique will examine the experimentation methods used to study autism.

Psychologist and the medical community make many claims about human behavior based on research. In science, the ultimate authority is research and experimentation. One area where mental health care authority is experimenting is with autism. Autism is a complex biological disorder that generally lasts throughout a person's life. The scientific community calls autism a developmental disability because it starts at in early childhood, before age three, while the brain is still developing. Autism causes delays or problems with many different ways in which a person develops or grows. One of the symptoms of this disorder is evident by the way it cuts off people with autism from the world around them. Autism affects children with the disorder in many different ways. For example, an autistic child may not want their mothers to hold them. Adults and children with autism may not look others in the eye. Some people with autism never learn how to talk. These behaviors not only make life difficult for people who have autism, but also make life hard for their families, their health care providers, their teachers, and anyone who comes in contact with them

Objective of experiment

The objective of this study was to inform readers about the Autism problem investigated, the methods used to solve the problem, the results of the investigation, and the conclusions inferred from the result.

Independent and dependent variables

In evaluating the association between parental age and autism risk, it is important to account for other variables related to both parental age and autism or that may modify the association. Consideration were given to the degree that experimental control is demonstrated including threats to internal and external validity as well as reliability of dependent variable measurement. Preference was given to studies that included measures of inter-observer agreement for the dependent and independent variable as well as data.

Sample sampling method

A group of 50 children was the sample of this study. Out of 50, 20 were girls and 20 were boys between the ages of 5 to 15.

Inter-group design studies needed to include clear hypothesis statements, a description of population sample, clear statement of sample size and methods of analysis.

Validity and reliability of the research

The research ...
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