Experiential Learning

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Experiential Learning in Arts and Design

Experiential Learning in Arts and Design


Experiential learning presents the pedagogy for the education categories, usually tagged as "project-based" or "experience-based" and attribute to educational programs such as the Youth Development Program, and Art and Design education. Experiential learning is the foundation for teaching different skills, and the procedure of departing from "apprentice" to "journeyman" which include the developments of understanding and skills. Similarly, the methodical ventures are a fine experiential learning model at the science frontiers of "the answers are not in the back of the book." This paper highlights pedagogy and the experiential learning process in the Art and Design. Its pros and cons, as well as the reasons of using experiential teaching approach in practical classroom activities, explored in this paper.


Pedagogy or the process of teaching is a term used to refer to strategies of instruction, or a style of instruction. Social institutions, developed because they have to meet the basic needs of society and education meet the critical need to transmit knowledge (Knowles, 1980). This primary function (transmission of knowledge), fulfilled in three ways (Kayes, Kayes, and Kolb, 2005): the preservation, dissemination and knowledge innovation. The preservation of knowledge is partly complies with the teaching that is the way knowledge is passed from one generation to another. At all times the pedagogical practice aimed at developing the quality human, successful mindset, ability to labour and delivery, the expression creative play, the investigative spirit and sense of belonging to their surroundings natural and cultural heritage.

Pedagogy is one of the dominant areas in high-school education. If it is considered from two positions, it includes one direction - it is the psychology, the second - pedagogy. This reveals the significance of the trends. The term "pedagogy" has two meanings. First - this is an area of scientific knowledge, science, and the second - the area of practice, art and craft. Pedagogy includes the main categories: development, education, education, and training. Human development - is the process of establishing its identity under the influence of external and emotional, controllable and uncontrollable social and environmental factors.

Education in the broadest sense is a purposeful process of the formation of intelligence, physical and spiritual strength of personality, its preparation for life, active participation in the workforce. Education in the narrow sense of the word is a systematic and purposeful influence on pupil teacher in order to create their desired relationship to people and events around the world. Pedagogy reveals the meaning of education as a learning process and the result of knowledge and support on this basis the appropriate level of personality development. Pedagogy in experiential learning reveals the meaning of learning, focused process of bilateral activities of the teacher and student transfer and learning.

Experiential Learning

Experiential Learning at its simplest, means constructing learning on actual experience, as opposed to, say, lectures. It can be argued that any form of learning that involves the learner's experience is, therefore, experiential because, it concerns with learning through direct experience, which aims ...
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