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Evidence-Based-Practice Proposal For Respiratory Therapy

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Evidence-based-practice proposal for Respiratory Therapy

Evidence-based-practice proposal for Respiratory Therapy


Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is extremely infectious and can be increase by the drops including the germ when an individual sneezes or coughs. In addition, it can survive on the knobs of the door or tops of the counters and on clothing and hands as well, so is able to multiply without any problem when the contaminated thing is touched by a person. RSV can multiply in haste all the way through disciplines and centers of child care. Children over and over again acquire it as elder broods transmit the disease from school to residence and convey it to their family members. Approximately every one of children is contaminated with RSV as a minimum one time by the age of 2 years.

Table of Contents


Table of Contents3


Problem Statement4

Purpose Statement5

Research Question5

Literature Review6

Determination of Risk6




In children8


Signs and symptoms9






Proposed Solution16

Implementation Plan17

Hand washing17

Gloves and gowns17


Vaccination of Infants18

Evaluation Plan for Prevention of RVS18

High-Risk Group19

Dissemination Plan20




Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) leads to serene, symptoms similar to cold in grown-ups and elder kids. On the other hand, it is capable of causing grave dilemmas in youthful offspring, together with pneumonia and chronic difficulties in breathing. In infrequent events it can bring about demise. The untimely born infants and the kids who contain further problems of their well being encompass the utmost threat. A kid with respiratory syncytial virus possibly can suffer with fever, cough, stuffy nose and difficulty in taking breaths. The virus can be detected through investigative trials.

This virus of respiration contains the tendency of being spread from individual to individual without any difficulty. It can be obtained through straight interaction with the person who contains it or through laying a hand on the contaminated things for instance playthings or the planes for example tops of the counter. In order to facilitate prevention of the increase of the infection of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), the hands should be washed frequently and sharing of the utensils of drinking and eating must be restricted. These are the free of trouble methods to avoid the risk of the RSV infection because at present times, no vaccine is present to control respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).

Problem Statement

This study is related to issue related to respiratory therapy which particularly focuses on respiratory syncytial virus. The main concern of the study is to know how the effect of RSV can be minimized among children and infants, which is considered as the key cause of respiratory tract disease. The respiratory syncytial virus is an important cause of respiratory tract disease in infants and young children. The respiratory syncytial virus occurs worldwide and causes the expression in cell cultures of syncytia of multinucleated giant cells. It affects epidemic mainly infants and young children and leads to respiratory infections. The virus is highly contagious as more than 50% of children less than one year are exposed.

Purpose Statement

The purpose of respiratory syncytial virus is to work on the implementation of the respiratory therapy which has become increasingly important within and outside ...
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