Events That Lead Towards Homelessness

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Events that lead towards homelessness


The purpose of this research paper is to identify the events that lead to homelessness. The study focuses on various economical, social, psychological and health related causes which causes person to go homeless. The significant factors found in various past literatures about events of homelessness includes substance abuse, poverty, limited work opportunities, less affordability for housing, lack of government assistance, family relationships, community support and disability conditions.

Table of Contents




Substance Abuse5


Limited Work Opportunities7

Real Affordable Housing7

Lack of Government Assistance8

Family Relationships8

Community Support9




Events that lead towards homelessness


Homelessness is one of the significant problems in society in modern world. Almost every country around the globe is affecting from this dilemma. Similar are conditions in United States of America where thousands of people become homeless due to number of life changing events or reasons. These events can range from economic, social, psychological, health and various other indirect reasons which contribute towards homelessness in U.S. Homelessness is generally found to be significant at the age of group of youth and elderly , where people due to lack of economic and social support suffer from having basic necessities of life including shelter, food, cloths, healthcare and education. No of reasons and events are found which contribute towards the homelessness. These situations occur as jeopardizing person's life by pushing him towards the outer edges of society, being disconnected from basic amenities of life, pushing person towards illegal activities for survival and completely throws person to his dark future. The figure 1 (see appendix) represents the percentage of homeless people in America divided in subgroups (McNamara, 2008).

The objective of the research paper is to analyze the events that are significant towards homelessness among people in America and also to determine which causes or events among them are most significant by reviewing the current literature on homelessness (Baumohl, 1996).


Substance Abuse

One of the most prominent reasons found for homelessness is Substance Abuse which shows high significance among people and especially in youth. The study conducted in countries other than U.S. also found that Substance abuse is one of the contributing events towards homelessness. One of the dark truths about substance abuse is that one cannot determine or prevent it by socioeconomic factors, such as gender, race, class and ethnicity rather it is more complex problem in nature. The intake of several abuses such ranging from tobacco to alcohol generally makes person a victim of hard drugs in later years which in turn causes behavioral and emotional difficulties causing person to experience difficulty in adjusting home and society. The person then likely to leave his or her home to make free will and decisions to indulge in his/her fantasies as he knows that no society or religion generally accepts that person. Though there may exist many other reasons that cause emotional difficulty and personal problems of person in home and society, the research conducted in America and some other countries reveal that these emotional episodes have strong association with substance abuse. The substance abuse apart from causing social ...
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