The eighteenth century started from the year 1701 and ended in the year 1800 in the Georgian calendar. During the eighteenth century many events took place and many institutions were formed that led to a growing sense of unity in United States. During the eighteenth century the enlightenment was introduced and also the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was considered as an independent state. It was during this period that Great Britain also became one of the superpowers of the world after defeating French. It was in the eighteenth century that Americans realized their democracy and how it became a part of their constitution.
The eighteenth century which began in 1701, is considered the era of industrialization era. It was during this period that modern manufacturing started by introducing engines with animal labor. The eighteenth century experienced a change from animal labor to many electronic inventions. The eighteenth century was also considered as the age of enlightenment as the tradition sources of authority moved towards rational sources. There were many events in the eighteenth century the led to the unity of United States and it also opposed the British American colonies (Hughes, 2010)
The first event that led to the unity of Americans was the introduction of colonial economies. When America was established many people migrated for various reasons. England established their colonies in order to get economic gain so that it can be widely distributed in Britain. Due to the colonial economies, the Americans demanded that they want freedom from the Britain government and demanded their free rights, which England refused to give. The Great Britain imposed taxes on the Americans in order to cover their costs of war, but America protested against this rule of Britain.
Therefore, in the eighteenth century the America introduced unalienable rights which ...