Evaluation Method

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Evaluation Method - Fall Prevention

Evaluation Method - Fall Prevention


A significant number of patients attending health facilities are at risk of falling at any time during their hospitalization. Caring for a patient with impaired health status during the application of a treatment involving physical and psychological integrity, involves a series of interventions that require pre-clinical assessment and planning care actions for implementation by staff in charge (Frick, Kung, Parrish & Narrett, 2010). Falls can result in serious injuries and have fatal consequences for those who suffer, especially for older people. We often talk about it. But is it justified? What is the problem? The data suggest that three in ten people over 65 who fall each year and exceed 80 years, the numbers go up halfway.


More than 30% of people over 65 suffer falls and the percentage rises to 50% to exceed 80 years. Prevent a challenge remains unsolved health authorities around the world. One of the triggers of falls is the progressive loss of balance that occurs with age, a deficit that physical therapy can help alleviate.

We included trials of interventions to prevent falls in elderly patients of either sex, who are in nursing homes and hospitals. Trials were considered for inclusion if the majority of participants were older than 65 years, the average age was over 65 years, and most were living in nursing homes or were patients admitted to hospitals (Walker, Porock & Timmons, 2011). The characteristics of interest from participants included the state of falls on admission to the institution (eg, did not suffer declines, suffered a single fall or multiple falls experienced during the previous year), previous residential status and comorbidity.

"Participants who are in nursing homes" were defined as residents of institutions concerned primarily providing rehabilitation services and residential care, usually for a period of time. These establishments have a permanent core staff of registered or licensed practical nurses, along with other staff, provide care and ongoing personal attention (Steinman, Nguyen, Pynoos & Leland, 2011). Care centers were divided into high-level care and intermediate care. Intermediate-level facilities can be defined as institutions that provide care and health-related services to individuals who do not require the level of care provided by hospitals or specialized care, but due to his physical or mental, must be addressed and services beyond the level of room and board.

An important part of these falls are associated with hip fractures. ...
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