The regulation applies to all passengers departing from an airport in the territory of a EU Member States commence a flight or a third country with a Airlines based in the EU in the area of the EU to fly.
The relevant legislation, EU Regulation 261/2004, says that passengers whose flights are cancelled for any reason can choose between reimbursement and re-routing - under comparable transport conditions - to their final destination, at the earliest opportunity.
Under the Package Travel Regulations 1992, the legal framework covering package holidays, tour operators are only required to give "prompt assistance" and "make prompt attempts to find appropriate solutions" if services you have paid for cannot be provided. They are not required to pay for these, though many tour operators do pick up the bill.
Can the passenger get compensation for flight delays?
No. He can get it only for cancellations and denied boarding. But in case of delay, there is support services (replacement cost of a call, possibly hotel room position, etc.)
A passenger is waiting for 30 hours to his departure. Is that even a delay or even a cancellation of the flight?
The border is not easy to draw. The lawyers poking around there in a legal fog, because the regulation was formulated unfortunately not very clear. But it is clear that the departure, which was agreed at a certain time, not "eventually" can be made up. Depending on the time you will delay of 3 - 6 hours can be sure that the agreed flight is to be regarded as annulled and the later successful transport of a different transport is Replacement of carriage. This question is now the European Court has been submitted, which will hopefully make for clarity.
Compensation may be required at a flight is cancelled one time. It depends on when the passenger is informed of the flight cancellation. If the information at least 2 weeks in advance, the passenger also has no claim were it to otherwise, reasonable alternative is offered.
What is the compensation for flight cancellations and denied boarding?
By Flight Distance: 1,500 km 250 EUR, less than 3,000 km 400 EUR 600 EUR and for longer flights. The exact distance of their flight, which may be to the so-called great circle calculation needs, determine under
Does a traveller accept a flight voucher?
He is entitled to a cash benefit. A ticket binds him to the airline. The travelling can accept it, however, and will also do this if it is higher quality than the compensation. A correspondingly high "mileage credit can in some cases be more interesting than a cash payment.
The Regulation applies to all airlines?
It applies to flights departing from an airport in Europe for all airlines. For flights from airports outside Europe in the territory of the European Union, the Regulation applies only to air carriers of the European Union, not for EU carriers.
An airplane does not fly because of bad weather conditions ...