Eu Law

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EU Law

EU Law


The family of democratic countries of Europe working together is known as European Union. It is an economic and political partnership between the several different countries included in the Union. These countries cover up much of the countries of the continent, and work together as a single market. Working as a single market, European Union has boosted its economy; by helping the countries freely trade goods, services, money as well as people.

There are 27 different countries included in the European Union, like Denmark, Austria, Belgium, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Cyprus, Finland, France, Spain, Italy, Ireland, Portugal, Germany, Greece, Malta, Netherlands, Hungary, Greece and more.

Free Movement of Persons

The free movement of persons according to the European Union means that people can move freely between the European countries included in the European Union. This is one of the four freedoms provided to the members of European Union. They can move for employment as employees or employers, in the form of economic agents. Every individual has the citizenship of all the European countries as member states. So, they can freely move from one country to another according to their needs and requirements. There were different treaties signed for the purpose of giving right to the citizens to move freely. These treaties include the Treaty of Maastricht and the Treaty of Lisbon, and both of the treaties confirmed the right of free movement of persons. This citizenship is considered to be a compliment; it does not replace the nationality of any citizen. Every citizen of the European Countries and community can enjoy this right of freedom according to the treaty (Baldoni, 2003).

The European Community Treaty is present to regulate and control the laws related to the free movement of persons. According to this treaty, there should be no discrimination on the basis of nationality among the citizens; they can move freely in the member state countries, and any person possessing the citizenship of one European Union country has the citizenship of the member countries also. The free movement of person was beneficial for the humans as well as for the economy.

The citizens of the European countries should possess legal documents and passport to prove their identity, and to enjoy all the rights in the country. When they want to move in any other member country, they have to register themselves (Carlier, 1998)

Objective of Free Movement of Persons

The main objectives of the free movement of persons in the European Union are listed here,

Citizenship for the people of member countries so that they can move freely from one country to another.

To increase the level of security for people.

To increase the number of job opportunities and business facilities in all over the European countries.

To increase the level of justice and to avoid discrimination in any area of personal or professional life.

Development of countries and improvement of economic conditions.

The Case of Ade and Ben


Ade and Ben are cousins living together in London, UK. Ade is a national of Belgian who had spent ...
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