Ethics Of International Development

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Ethics of International Development

Ethics of International Development


In today's world, there are several countries, named as “least developed countries”. These countries do not have many basic facilities. The scenario of Africa, Yemen, and other least developed countries is clear. These countries do not have basic necessities like, health, food, and shelter. The children in these areas have been suffering from various diseases. In this regard, several international development organisations, non-government organisations, and some non-profit organisations have been working for the well being of the people. The organisations raise funds through various ways for these least developed countries, and try to provide them basic necessities (Geografiska, 2004, 55). The ethical concern in this regard, has been in discussion from several years, but no clear conclusion has been drawn. There have been many discussions about the ethical concerns regarding fund raising techniques used by different organisations (Leo, Chall & CSA, 1996, 122). There are two main points of views in this regard, first one is that it is legitimate to use images of malnourished children for fund raising, and the other one is that, it is not legal because the children are being exploited. The former are of the argument that, they use these techniques for a noble cause. In their view, since they are serving poor and needy, so it not at all illicit to raise funds by using skilful techniques.


The ethics of international development have been under discussion in various aspects, there are many controversies about the international organisations of being involved in immoral activities to raise funds (Geografiska, 2004, 55). International community and other international public, welfare organisations have been claiming that they do not use any illicit way to raise funds for the least developed countries. Though, they use images of the children of the least developed countries because its reality. They are of the view that the reality should be shown to the international public and media to raise funds for those people who do not have basic facilities.

Critical Evaluation

From the above picture, it ia clearly depicted that these kind of pictures are being used for the raising of funds. Many authorirties say it to be unethical way of raising funds.The recent era of 1990s has shown a gloomy picture of progress in least developed countries. Though, the overall welfare organisations have been claiming their best performance in the development of these countries, but least can be seen. In the year 2001, conference of United Nations on the least developed countries was held in Brussels (Sophie, 2009, 65). In this conference, the issue regarding poverty were discussed, and diverse experiences were shared. In addition, the members also discussed strategies to curb the menace of poverty in the least developed countries. The conclusion, which was drawn in the conference, was to strengthen the international organisations to efficiently fight against poverty, and provide relief to the victims. In addition, it was also highlighted that though the performance of these organisations has been remarkable but have not been able ...
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