Ethical Perspective

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Ethical Perspective

Ethical Perspective

Early Childhood

Family has always been of the utmost importance to me. I came from a small family, and was an only child. I was only a child since I started witnessing family disputes, arguments between my father and mother, which eventually led to their separation. I was raised mainly by my grandparents after my parents divorced. I saw my father only rarely and my mother worked full time and naturally wanted to socialize in the evenings and meet new friends because she felt lonely. Her parents were there to care for me so she had no worries in that respect. Before my parents were divorced, I spent a considerable amount of time at my grandparents' house and it felt like they were my parents.

Ideas about Life

I still carry the memories of my childhood, memories which are not usual. I remember the conflicts and issues which my family went through. Most of all, I experienced the difficulties as a child who was affected by family disputes. Mentally, I had a tough time growing up. Furthermore, it was always difficult for me to adjust in the society, especially in my neighborhood. People used to talk about my family, talks which were not admirable. My grandfather worked for over 40 years at Metal Box in Acton, west London. It was a canning factory. He was the second eldest of 11 children and came from a poor family. His parents depended upon him and the other two eldest brothers to finish their education early and go to work to help support the rest of the family. He always resented his lack of education and was acutely aware of this fact. He had an inferiority complex because of this and regarded others as superior to him. He was a loner, only at ease with close family and spent the majority of his time in the garden, tending lovingly to his plants when he wasn't working. He worked in shifts, sometimes getting up at 4.30 am to start a shift, other times finishing at around midnight. Providing for his family was important to him and he didn't want anyone to experience the poverty he had gone through during his youth. He met my grandmother locally and they married young. She was fiery and he was gentle and sensitive. Together they made a wonderful couple and lived a happy married life. They set an example to everyone, to see their happiness and contentment. They had little but always enough.

This was an inspirational story for me. Therefore, I grew up with two different stories and two different ideas about life. The first one inculcates that, we make life miserable not only for ourselves, but also for the people who are closed to us. One can accomplish this state of life through misunderstandings, selfishness, and unwillingness to think about sustainability and restoration of a family.

Counseling as a Profession

My mother supported most of my education. As I grew up and found my way to college, I started ...
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