Ethical Integrity

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Ethical Integrity

Ethical Integrity


Business ethics and integrity are evolving more effectively in the up to date enterprise world. However, both ethics and integrity are acted on in the most important functions in the enterprise world. For example, if you want to become successful businessman or you want to stand your high position in the business world, and then you must to fully understand that what is meaning of both ethics and integrity, and how to use those things efficiently and effectively. (Stone, 2000)

Ethical Integrity

Ethics is an evolutionary exercise in self-understanding directed at that amalgamation of harmony, intensity and vividness that encompasses the perfection of importance that occasion. It can be viewed as either constructive or constraining, but we see it is an essential process toward self-realization (Spitzer, 2002). Human beings and societies are evolving constituents of an evolving world, and such as, neither the top neither the end of all evolution. With our power to influence evolution, "to learn" is a basic ethical imperative (Stone, 2000). And the reason of ethics is to rationalize morality and provide a set of standards and directions to guide the choices and activities of one-by-one human beings within a business world. Also, business ethics refers to the worth structure that individuals in the conclusion making process when we are face with a dilemma of how to act inside our business or expert lives. Usually the impact of that decision will be felt only in our immediate, organizational environment (Nice, 2003).

If I am doing my own enterprise, I believe that I will use the e-business system. It is because computer technology rapidly growing up and network system is developing mature and complete for last two decade, Internet becomes the most popular thing in people's lives. Generally speaking, Internet is a tool to connect individual computers round the entire business world. It can exchange and broadcast any data between computers. No question, Internet affects and change people's lives a lot in nowadays. For example, companies can publish their products by Internet, and browser all information, including picture and prices on Internet(Nice, 2003). In supplement, Internet furthermore changes enterprise behavior. Internet has some good individual features, like bargain, fast, and easy. So if business companies can use Internet to encourage or deal their products, they can save cost and profit from more earnings than before. Internet becomes a new and good device for enterprise organizations.

Otherwise, the word integrity means that it is a combination of the qualities, and working together to form a rational whole. The phrase integrity also means wholeness, wholeness of blend, wholeness as a person, and wholeness in the sense of being an integral part of certain thing larger than the person, the community, the company, humanity, and humanity. Also, integrity helps organizations organize, develop, and mobilize the human potential of its stakeholders as a community of interdependent parts that includes the world around it(Stone, 2000). It is an evolutionary approach based upon the twin premises that organizational integrity is tied inextricably to its essential ...
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